Discuss quantitative data you would collect to evaluate the effectiveness of your health promotion initiative.
Nursing Research Study
My Health Promotion is related to educating Adults about the risk of being Obese who live in Columbus Ohio. I would like to promote dancing / aerobic classes throughout Columbus for the under privilege adults to attend.
Must use APA 6th edition format, 3 references for each topic / cited in the text. Must use scholarly nursing journals in the last 5 yrs, 250 words per topic. Please keep each topic separated.
Topic 1: Quantitative Evaluation Plan
1. Discuss quantitative data you would collect to evaluate the effectiveness of your health promotion initiative. How would this data demonstrate effectiveness and who would you share the data with?
2. Support your choices though integration of research terminology and include at least source of Evidence-Based Proposal (EBP) which used a method similar to your proposed quantitative evaluation.
Topic 2: Quantitative Evaluation Plan
1. Discuss qualitative data you would collect to evaluate the effectiveness of your health promotion initiative. How would this data demonstrate effectiveness and who would you share the findings with?
2. Support your choices though integration of research terminology and include at least source of EBP which used a method similar to your proposed qualitative evaluation.
My Health promotion initiative: See below
The information gathered should be organized into a formal research proposal. It should be communicated in an effective manner to the stakeholders, but government agencies, advocacy groups, institutions, fellow researchers, and the media should be considered as well (Houghton, Casey, Shaw, & Murphy, 2013). Communication for each should be designed and tailored according to need and the group that it is being presented to. Psychographic considerations should be made. Communication should be made in a competent, confident manner that reflects the research team’s dedication, hard work, and results. Descriptive analysis and making use of narratives and participant testimonials may be beneficial to describe the need for the proposed change. The message should be framed in different ways to capture the understanding and recognition of as many as possible. Active dissemination strategies should be implemented. Educational outreach is important and both patients and health care organizations should receive the proposed information (Bryant et al., 2010).
For my proposal, I am seeking to introduce dance aerobics to underprivileged community members in urban Columbus, Ohio who are considered obese. Reaching this demographic poses several challenges, the first of which is literacy. Utilizing radio and television time to advertise this initiative may be beneficial for community members who cannot read. Accessibility to advertisements is also an issue that should be considered. Easy to read and attractive looking flyers may be distributed at bus stops, train stations, and other places of public transportation. Flyers may also be posted on bulletin boards at local libraries. I also plan to meet at individual hospitals to discuss and plan to have these activities sponsored and housed. The use of social media should also be implemented as it has the potential to reach a large local demographic (Peate, 2013).
I will also plan meetings with my stakeholders including endocrinologists and obesity clinics to discuss plans of implementation. Communication for each should be designed and tailored according to need and the group that it is being presented to. Psychographic considerations should be made. Communication should be made in a competent, confident manner that reflects the research team’s dedication, hard work, and results (Bryant et al., 2010).
I plan to use a variety of communication techniques such as radio, television and flyers to educate the community regarding the proposed program. To communicate with key stakeholders, I will use power point presentations, lecture notes, and handouts to spread the message of my proposal. These materials will be supported with peer-reviewed articles and research studies. Continuous exposure is key to ensuring that the message is effective and reaches the targeted population (Callejo & Geer, 2012) .
Bryant, C. A., Courtney, A. H., McDermott, R. J., Alfonso, M. L., Baldwin, J. A., Nickelson, J., . . . Zhu, Y. (2010). Promoting physical activity among youth through community-based prevention marketing. Journal of School Health, 80(5), 214-224. doi: 10.1111/j.1746-1561.2010.00493.x
Callejo, F., & Geer, L. (2012). A community-based approach to disseminate health information on the hazards of prenatal mercury exposure in Brooklyn, NY. Journal of Community Health, 37(4), 745-753. doi: 10.1007/s10900-012-9575-7
Houghton, C., Casey, D., Shaw, D., & Murphy, K. (2013). Rigour in qualitative case-study research. Nurse Researcher, 20(4), 12-17.
Peate, I. (2013). The community nurse and the use of social media. British Journal of Community Nursing, 18(4), 180-185.