Please answer and explain why for each question . The questions are attached in the file below.Thank you.incase if the file has problems opening the questions are also posted below.1.Patents, rights to drill for oil on someone’s land, and copyrights of creative works such as books are:special possessions.tangible possessions.inalienable possessions.
intangible possessions.2.Most written leases provide the covenant of:quiet enjoyment.Livability.Safety.possession.3.Appointment as a ______ should not be accepted unless one has the temperament, knowledge, and skills necessary to minimize the risks inherent in this position.LessorWarrantorTrusteemortgagor4.A computer program is defined as a “set of statements or instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain act” under the:Global Computer Review Act of 2004.Computer Software Copyright Act of 1980.National Software Act of 1863.U.S.A. Computer Act of 2001.5.If the true owner does not come forward and the finder does not wish to claim ownership, title to the property transfers to the state _________.after a period specified by statute.Immediately.upon the state filing a claim to the owner’s direction.6.Under the current copyright law, a created work is protected for the lifetime of the creator plus:30 years.40 years.50 years.70 years.7.The law concerning bailments provides for certain rights and duties of both bailor and bailee, depending on the:amount of the transactions.nature of the business.kind of positions of the parties.8.A demand instrument such as a note or check must be presented for payment:within the date mentioned in the instrument.within a reasonable time after the date of any time after the instrument is issued.immediately after the date of issue.9.The term _________ includes, in addition to land, both tangible and intangible personal property.IntestacyPropertyPatentjoint tenancy10.In a bailment for the sole benefit of the bailee, the law generally expects the bailee to exercise ___________ care while in possession of the article.great or extraordinaryReasonableLittleabsolute11.Personal property, such as trees or shrubbery purchased at a nursery, become:real property when they are planted.tangible property when they are sold.real property when they are bought.tangible property when they are possessed.12.A signature to which words have been added restricting the further endorsement of the instrument is a:restrictive endorsement.special endorsement.certified endorsement.detailed endorsement.13.Intellectual property is also referred to as __________.economic propertyintellectual capitaltestamentary propertyreal property14.If an executor is deceased, declines to serve, or is lacking in capacity, or if the decedent dies without making a will, the court will appoint a personal representative, known as a(n) _____________.TestatorAdministrator.Settlorlegacy.15.A qualified endorsement can be used together with a blank endorsement or special endorsement by using phrases such as:”With recourse.””With blank endorsement.””With special endorsement.””Without recourse.”16.A federal statute passed to regulate Web sites that contain obscene material or child pornography has now been ruled _____ by the courts because it violates due process of law.Ambiguous.ultra vires.Unconstitutional.unnecessary.17.A formal printed will must be signed by the testator and:Executed.Scripted.Witnessed.supplemented.18.Online marketers of products and services have quickly recognized that learning about consumers’ online behavior presents a real opportunity to increase their:Sales.Interests.Forces.departments.19.What provides the holder with certain rights during the period covered by the lease?Leasehold estate.Accession estate.Conversion estate.Administrator’s estates20.The contractual relationship in a bailment for work and services is concerned with the kind and the quality of work done and the payment for services:Disaffirmed.Assigned.Ratified.performed.21.Design patents are granted for a period:less than 20 years.from 20 to 30 years.from 30 to 40 years.from 40 to 50 years.22.A will that is completely handwritten is a _____ will.TestamentaryHolographicScriptedresiduary23.A bailment allows an owner of personal property to transfer possession of it to another individual for any one of the following purposes, the following conditions release an endorser from liability EXCEPT:any act that completes the negotiation of the instrument, such as payment.the release of a prior party’s obligation or the release of the debtorthe intentional cancellation of the endorser’s signature by the holderan invalid tender of payment by a prior party.25.According to the UCC, if the ____________ of overdue negotiable paper did not have notice or knowledge that the commercial paper was overdue, he or she could be a holder in due courseSellerAcceptor.Buyerproprietor26.The parties involved in a draft or a check have particular names. The person who receives the money is called the:Payee.Drawer.Holder.payer.27.A(n) __________ test is used to determine whether an ordinary reasonable observer comparing two works would have to conclude that the work being questioned was copied from the other.substantial similarityfair useGoodwillinfringement28.One of the benefits of a trust is that it allows the legal title of property to be separated from the benefits of:Partnership.Ownership.Revocation.enjoyment.29.A trust is a device or mechanism that permits personal or real property to be held by one party, the trustee, for the benefit of another, the:Administrator.Executor.Testator.beneficiary.30.When the holder of commercial paper signs his or her name, with or without other words, on the back of the instrument, this writing is referred to as a(n):Acknowledgment.Endorsement.Receipt.acceptance.31.A gift given by a living person who expects to die from a known cause is called a(n):inter vivos gift.causa mortis gift.intestate gift.anticipatory gift.32.If a landlord has violated the express or implied duty to provide the tenant with quiet enjoyment, the tenant may abandon the premises under the doctrine of:actual eviction.tenant eviction.constructive eviction.landlord neglect.33.Title to land also can be acquired as a result of a person’s use of land over a period of time though __________.a warranty deeda leasehold interestadverse possessionadhesion34.A possession interest in which no specific time of lease is agreed upon is a:periodic tenancy.tenancy at will.tenancy for years.tenancy at sufferance.35.A distinctive, nonfunctional feature, which distinguishes a merchant’s or manufacturer’s goods or services from those of another, is known as patent.copyright.36.A transfer of the tenant’s interest for a part of the premises or for a part of the term of the lease is known as a(n):Abandonment.constructive bailment.power of attorney.sublease.37.Much of early English law and tradition concerning wills and estates were intended to maintain a feudal system in which all land belonged to the:King.feudal lords.Businessmen.priests.38.The trustee may purchase securities that are of very low risk and that appear on a document referred to as a(n):bargaining agreement list.covenant list.arbitration list.39.When a person sustains severe anxiety, the injured party may sue the offending party for:illegal interference in privacy.intentional infliction of emotional distress.invasion of privacy.defamation.40.Fraud in executing an instrument is a real, or absolute, defense but fraud related to the circumstances surrounding the issuing of a paper and not to the paper itself is aCounterclaimSetoffpersonal defense.restrictive covenant.41.An item of commercial paper containing the key words of negotiability, such as “pay to the order of,” or their equivalent, is a(n):price quotation.grade instrument.order instrument.bill of lading.42.A family farmer under a Chapter 12 bankruptcy can be all of the following EXCEPT a(n):Individual.Corporation.Municipality.partnership.43.Any writing that includes the essential elements of negotiability is considered a valid check when signed and delivered by the:Payee.Maker.Endorser.drawer.44.If the landlord interferes with the tenant’s right of possession by evicting him or her without a court order of eviction, the tenant has the right to:Sell.Sublease.terminate the lease.purchase the property.45.In the case of newspapers, the ___________ may not recover damages unless he or she can show that the newspaper acted with actual malice.JournalistAgentindividual inflicted with distressdefamed individual46.If a negotiable instrument is not accepted when presented, if it is not paid when presented for payment at maturity, or if presentment is excused or waived and the instrument is past due and unpaid, then it is considered:Ineligible.Defunct.Dishonored.abandoned.47.The type of possession interest a tenant has in real property can vary considerably depending on the agreements between the parties and the provisions of state statutes expressly declare that commercial paper given for gambling transactions or at usurious rates of interest are:Void.Valid.Legal.voidable.49.An endorsement where the name of the payee is written by the payee on the back of a negotiable instrument is a:blank endorsement.special endorsement.restrictive endorsement.qualified endorsement.50.A codicil is prepared to:execute a warranty deed.execute a quit claim deed.revoke, alter, or revise a will.revoke, alter, or revise a gift causa mortis.51.A bailment is a special kind of contract that is widely used in business and in:personal affairs.cultural activities.academic research.charitable institutions.52.A form of joint ownership of property by two or more persons in which the ownership interest of any one of the owners can be sold, transferred or inherited is known as:tenancy by the entirety.tenancy in common.joint form of joint ownership of property by two or more persons in which the ownership interest of any one of the owners can be sold, transferred or inherited is known as:tenancy by the entirety.tenancy in common.joint commercial paper on which the signature of the maker or drawer has been forged, the person liable is the:Acceptor.holder in due course.Drawer.endorser.55.When an endorsement is made on the instrument, it can be further negotiated only when it has been indorsed by the specified person. Such an endorsement is a:specific endorsement.definite endorsement.declarative endorsement.special endorsement.56.Speech that harms a person’s reputation is referred to as:reflective speech.obscene statements.Defamation.deception.57.A file that is imbedded on the hard drive of a computer, often without a person’s knowledge, that collects and stores information about the user and his or her behavior, including the Web sites that have been visited, is known as a:Spoof.Cookie.Crunch.froth.58.A possession interest that is for a specific periodweeks, months, or yearsand automatically terminates on the expiration date is a:periodic tenancy.tenancy for years.tenancy at will.tenancy at sufferance.59.The law gives a tenant the right to make reasonable modifications to the leased property in order to make it suitable:for sale.for gift.60.The Uniform Commercial Code assumes there are warranties in every endorsement to ensure the:endorsement of commercial paper.negotiability of commercial paper.transparency of commercial paper.clarity of commercial paper.61.The voluntary transfer of property by one person to another without consideration or payment of any kind is a(n):informal transfer.will, nullity.statutory Patent and Trademark Office would probably grant a patent if the invention is a device, useful, novel, and:Authorized.Obsolete.Nonobvious.general.63.Withholding payment for transportation charges enables a carrier to hold goods on the basis of a(n):carrier’s lien.warehouser’s lien.proprietor’s lien.equitable lien.64.Under Chapter 13 examples of priority debts include all of the following EXCEPT:certain tax obligations.alimony and child support.wages owed to employees.automobile loans.65.A(n) _____ occurs when tenants transfer their entire interest in property for the remaining term of a lease.Leasehold.Sublease.Eviction.assignment66.Unauthorized access to computers invites violation of:Objectives.Duties.Rights.goals.67.Commercial paper that is dated ahead is:Antedated.Mandated.Dictated.postdated.68.A _________ provides a safe means of transferring money and serves as a receipt when paid and canceled by the bank.Checknon-negotiable noteBondpromissory note69.If a program, such as a complex accounting and budgeting program, is highly specialized and not intended for wide distribution, it would likely be considered a ___________.copyrighted secret.trademark.70.Alivingtrust is also known as a(n):testamentary trust.contemporary trust.inter vivos trust.constructive trust.71.A _________ is somewhat open-ended, since it is automatically renewed at the end of the period, unless the landlord or tenant gives notice of his or her intent to not renew the lease.periodic tenancytenancy for yearstenancy at willtenancy at sufferance72.If no surviving heirs or ancestors of the deceased can be located, the decedent’s property passes to the:charitable trust.siblings of the deceased.friend or friends of the deceased.state.73.The ECPA grants an Internet service provider (ISP) the right to __________ e-mail messages without the subscriber’s consent.MonitorScreenBlockredirect74.A trademark registration is issued for a renewable period of:10 years.20 years.50 years.60 years.75.The kind of bailment created when a friend inadvertently leaves behind an article of jewelry in your home during a visit is a(n):adversarial bailment.declarative bailment.constructive bailment.76.A person who gains unauthorized access to computers, either for mischief or with criminal intent, is called a(n):Imposter.Achiever.Genius.hacker.77.In order to ensure negotiability, the Uniform Commercial Code assumes that the endorser is the true owner of the paper. If he or she found or stole the paper and transferred it to another by endorsement, the:law provides a jail term to the endorser, but not compensation to endorsee.endorser is liable for any loss suffered by the endorsee.endorser is liable up to $500 for the loss suffered by the endorsee.endorsee cannot seek any remedy from the endorser.78.A creditor is an individual or business:to which money is owed.who counts money.who loans moneywho borrows money.79.Ownership is held in ________ when all the rights of ownership in a particular piece of property are held by one person.SeveraltyTenancyDefianceaccession80.The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act allows the bankruptcy court to disallow a petition for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy if the individual filing for bankruptcy earns an income that is __________________ to meet the standards of the means test.too high.too low.too indefinite.too flexible81.In recent years, it has become quite popular for people to trade and download music and other forms of entertainment (movies, games, etc.) from the Web onto compact disks and other digital storage devices. The legal issue associated with this is:copyright infringement.patent infringement.trademark infringement.service mark infringement.82.In a product liability case, the most obvious target of an injured party is a physician or other health care provider acts negligently, the patient may sue for the tort of __________.AdhesionMalpracticeBreachduress84.The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that arbitration clauses in employment contracts are enforceable provided the following conditions are met EXCEPT:The employee has signed the employment contract.The employee has a reasonable time to file a claim.The employee has the right to be represented by an attorney.The employee has the right to appoint the arbitrator.85.The Environmental Protection Agency is charged with the responsibility of selecting appropriate sites for and types of waste that may be discarded into the oceans by:U.S. organizations.International organizations.European Union.United Nations.86.A professional’s improper or immoral conduct in the performance of his or her duties through carelessness or lack of knowledge amounts to:ignorance.Negligence.Malpractice.nuisance.87.A professional who designs devices or installations of a complex nature, such as bridges and power-generating stations is called a(n):Engineer.Architect.Designer.executive.88.A transnational institution’s purpose is to:maintain legal and economic order in trade.provide a set of rules to ensure that there is no trade discriminationoversee the implementation of all multinational trade agreementsmaintain a stable environment for the economies and currencies89.An organization that provides health insurance by coordinating services with specific doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers is _______________.a health maintenance organizationMedicarea major medical insurer.a community based insurer90.The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 was passed to promote ____________ in the workplace.anti-sexual harassment proceduressafety and healthanti-discrimination policiesemployee assistance programs91.The Civil Rights Act of 1991 is a federal statute that provides ___________ to an employee who can prove that he or she was a victim of discrimination.RemediesHousingWagesan attorney92.The increasing volume of international trade and tourism, the globalization of the marketplace, the growing incidence of multinational business organizations, and cultural exchanges have given rise to the need for:domestic law.foreign union law.93.It has been held that when, as a result of his or her negligence, the accountant fails to discover or conceals evidence that a client’s employee has been embezzling funds, an accountant is liable only to his or her:Agent.Company.Client.partner.94.Deforestation alters the distribution and circulation of water, which in turn can lead to all of the following situations EXCEPT:Drought.Avalanche.Flooding.soil erosion.95.Despite the advent of strict liability, there is considerable activity to curb abuses of the system in various state legislatures with a view toward:manufacture reform.liability reform.tort reform.product reform.96.Important federal legislation aimed at protecting the environment includes the Clean Air Act; the Clean Water Act; and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, also known as:Environmental Protection Act.Environmental Impact Statement.Primary Standard Statement.Superfund.97.The ones who are subject to lawsuits for negligence if their work results in injury to parties with whom they have contracted, or to third parties, are:Chiropodists.Discologists.Discographers.architects.98.Professionals generally are members of state and national __________ societies, such as bar associations or medical societies.ProfessionalOrganizationalInsurancecommitment99.Governments reduce unreasonable risk of injury and death associated with consumer products by all of the following, except:providing safety information to the public.developing voluntary and mandatory standards.restricting advertising on television and radio.pursuing recalls of dangerous products.100.Disclosing personal, irrelevant information about a former employee amounts to:Defamation.invasion of privacy.illegal restraint of trade.violation of restrictive covenant101.Superfund created a “Hazardous Substance Trust Fund” to help allay costs in addressing environmentally scarred:Lands.Pelicans.Vegetation.reservoirs.102.The Securities Act of 1933 covers the sale of securities (stock, bonds, and other forms of investments) in the:primary market.secondary market.consumer market.labor market.103.Emergency medical personnel, including first responders, paramedics, and other ambulance crew, are ________ to honor advance directives.Permittednot permittedRequiredtrained104.The federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) provides that Internet Service Providers are not liable for copyright infringements by their subscribers if they adopt and reasonably implement a(n):purchase policy.termination policy.sales policy.105.The federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) provides that Internet Service Providers are not liable for copyright infringements by their subscribers if they adopt and reasonably implement a(n):purchase policy.termination policy.sales policy.106.Individuals who believe their HIPAA rights were violated may file complaints with:their health provider, their insurance company, or the federal governmenttheir health provider onlytheir insurance company onlythe federal government only107.The _____________ publishes a kind of test that is used to help determine whether or not someone is an employee or an independent contractor.U.S. Attorney’s OfficeDepartment of SateFederal Trade Commission.Internal Revenue Service108.An employer is ___________ for an employee’s torts committed within the scope of employment.not responsibleRewardedResponsibleostracized109.A period of time during which no state may levy sales taxes on Internet Service Providers is known as a(n) valorem tax.110.When the host country mandates that at least partial ownership of the foreign company be sold to local citizens or companies prior to the foreign company’s conducting business within the host country’s borders, then:domestication occurs.expropriation occurs.confiscation occurs.localization occurs.111.When a patient consults with a physician, the two parties are entering into a(n) policyhealth insurance exchangeContracthealth maintained organization112.A lawsuit against the financial planner’s intentional or negligent misstatement or nondisclosure of a material fact relating to an investment is brought for _____.Churning.Nuisance.Unsuitability.misrepresentation.113.The federal statute designed to protect individuals from illegal employment discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, and national origin is known as the:Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.Civil Rights Act of 1964.Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978.114.Early federal statutes dealing with environmental issues concerned themselves primarily with conservation of forests and:Native Americans.Ethics.Culture.wildlife.115.A person who dispenses drugs other than those specifically prescribed by authorized professionals such as physicians also can be charged with malpractice if the incorrectly dispensed drugs cause injury to the legal user. Such a person is known as a:Pharmacist.Physician.Psychiatrist.nurse.116.Liability without the necessity of proving fault is:tortuous liability.strict liability.vicarious liability.117.Insurance agents and insurance brokers are deemed to possess superior knowledge of insurance and to have the ability to use their expertise to protect buyers against various kinds of:Losses.Negligence.Malpractice.churning.118.In 1970, Congress created the _______________, which has the responsibility of regulating business activities as these relate to the environment.Environmental Protection AgencyEnvironmental Impact StatementComprehensive Environmental ResponseSuperfund119.Insurance coverage that provides supplementary income to make up for lost wages due to an illness or accident that prevents an employee from working at his or her regular employment is knows as:Medicaiddisability insurance.a health maintenance organizationfamily plans120.Discrimination in employment is covered by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 under:Title V.Title VI.Title VII.Title VIII.121.When the client relies on the financial planner’s recommendations and suffers a loss, the financial planner can be sued for:Libel.Battery.Negligence.nuisance.122.Environmentalists have recently turned their attention to the increased amount of “space junk” that is:polluting the earth.depleting the ozone layer.falling on the earth.orbiting the planet.123.The continued use of (a) _________ often causes insects to become immune to the chemical compounds.PesticideMineralspolluted waternitrogen124.The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 covers the trading of securities in the _____________, defined as the place where one member of the public sells securities to another member of the public.primary marketsecondary marketconsumer marketlabor market125.In 1998, an act was passed by the Congress that established a moratorium on taxing ISPs on the services they provide to computer users. This act was called the:Digital Millennium Copyright Act.Securities Exchange Act.Statute of Fraud.Internet Tax Freedom Act.126.Many scientists believe that the increased burning of fossil fuels has loaded the atmosphere with heat-trapping carbon dioxide creating global warming, a condition known as (the):Pollution.Superfund.greenhouse effect.acid rain.127.The “Americans with Disabilities Act” defines disability as a(n) _________ that substantially limits one or more of the major activities of life.ImpairmentAccidentTragedyoccurrence128.The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), requires that companies maintain records of employee work-related accidents and sicknesses and post data regarding these __________.Every month.Twice a year.Every February.Every three months.129.An employee handbook typically contains which of the following?The history of the company.The Company’s independent contractors.An employee directory.The Company’s caveat emptor provisions.130.In 1992, the SEC created a computerized system, known as the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system that allows companies to:upload required information directly.sell its shares to the public online.make advertisements on the web.register with the Federal Trade Commission.131.A profession in which practitioners attempt to advise their clients, who can be either individuals or businesses, of the best ways to manage their financial affairs is known as:strategic planning.corporate planning.132.A federal agency responsible for administering laws relating to labor unions is the:National Labor Retaliation Board.State Labor Relations Board.National Labor Relations Board.National Law Regulation Board.133.If the Web site visitor has had an ample opportunity to read the terms of an agreement, and if those terms are not unreasonable, a(n):void contract exists.voidable contract exists.valid contract exists.unenforceable contract exists.134.A fault in a product that creates a hazardous condition that causes injury is defect.product flaw.proximate cause.135.A type of umbrella health insurance policy that covers serious illnesses and lengthy hospitalizations is ______________.Medicarea health maintenance organization.a community based health insurance policy.a major medical health insurance policy.136.The financial planner’s unreasonably excessive buying or selling of securities to generate commission is known as:Churning.Negligence.Misrepresentation.fraud.137.Trade among nations remains a vital ingredient to the economic health of the world’s population. While countries are sovereign and create and interpret their own sets of laws, the goal is that trade be governed by:nongovernmental unions.transnational institutions.138.There has been a growing recognition that economic interests are causing the gradual destruction of the rain forests found in:Wastelands.cold climates.tropical climates.139.In documents pertaining to wills, codicils, and related testamentary papers, ESIGN does not apply to electronic:transaction details.Symbols.Signatures.witnesses.140.As a response to OSHA standards, companies are paying greater attention to the developing science of ergonomics, which deals with designing workplaces so as to promote safety and:economic conditions.Wealth.personal of the following are the elements that a plaintiff must prove in order to be successful in establishing the defendant’s negligence in a product liability lawsuit EXCEPT:Warranty.Breach.Duty.damages.142.A state wishing to collect a sales tax must levy the tax on a:buyer who resides within the state.seller who resides within the state.middleman who resides within the state.buyer who resides outside the state.143.The thing that is extremely difficult to collect on small items sold on the Web, and most states do not make efforts to collect, is:income tax.use tax.corporation tax.144.In a malpractice lawsuit, the plaintiff must show that the professional defendant’s act or failure to act directly caused the injury or loss. This element of malpractice is called:breach of duty.Negligence.undue hardship.proximate cause.145.An individual must demonstrate that he or she is __________ when signing an advance directive.CompetentTerminalIncompetentinsolvent146.Employees may still sue their employers if it was the employer’s ____________ conduct that caused the injury or illness.IntentionalMaliciousgrossly negligentBoth intentional and grossly negligent147.An advance directive only takes effect when the individual becomes incapable of making treatment decisions that, in some states, must be confirmed by at least two __________.licensed physicians.licensed membersnext of kin.148.___________ regulates the dumping of waste onto land.Clean Water ActSuperfundEnvironmental Protection AgencyClear Air Act149.Means of Alternative Dispute Resolution include:counseling and analysis.mediation and arbitration.preliminary and prohibitory injunctions.temporary and permanent injunctions.150.The protected class created pursuant to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act is of persons:who are minors.over the age of 40.who are spouse of employee.who are decedents of ex-employee.151.A federal statute designed to provide executives of American companies with rules and restrictions relating to paying persons in foreign countries to expedite business in these foreign nations is the:Civil Rights Act.Trade Union Act.Intellectual Property and Real Act.Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.152.issuers of securities must register the securities with the:U.S. Copyright Commission.U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.Securities and Exchange Commission.Federal Trade Commission.153.The electronic contracts containing electronic signatures are just as enforceable as those that are printed on paper is a statement made by a federal statute called the:Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890.Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004.Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998.Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act of 2000.154.In 1997, the major cigarette manufacturers in the United States entered into a contract, which was referred to as the:Vicarious Liability Agreement.Master Settlement Agreement.Consumer Product Safety Agreement.Federal Administrative Agreement.155.The distinction that developed between malpractice and other forms of negligence in part stems from the fact that the performance of certain professionals is known as a(n):Performance.Behavior.Practice.employment.156.The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 protects persons who are not currently disabled but who have a record of a:mental disability.physical disability.covered disability.hidden disability.157.When a person who has confidential information about a particular company purchases shares of the company’s stock with the intention of selling these shares for a higher price when the information is released to the general public, then it is known as:Touting.Churning.Buffering.insider trading.158.A federal program that pays for specified health care expenses for individuals who are 65 years of age or older is known as _________.Medicare.Medicaid.The Affordable Care Act.Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.159.The federal and state governments enact numerous statutes and rules to reduce unreasonable risks of injury and death associated with:safety products.manufacturer products.retailer products.consumer products.160.An advertisement that contains an important misrepresentation, omission, or practice likely to mislead a consumer who acts reasonably under the circumstances is known as a(n):adversarial opinion.descriptive advertisement.deceptive advertisement.prejudiced opinion.161.____________________ is caused by factories and other production facilities which is covered by the Clean Air Act.Noise pollutionMobile pollutionStationary pollution.Light pollution162.The acts of an employee committed while performing duties for the employer are considered:his or her own responsibility alone.the acts of the of be the court’s responsibility.163.If insurance agents and brokers either fail to recommend the purchase of the right kind of insurance to protect against a specific type of loss or fail to recommend appropriate amounts of coverage, then it amounts to:Churning.Negligence.Malpractice.embargoes.164.Under workers’ compensation laws, any employee who is injured in the course of employment is permitted to recover compensation for the injury:only if the injury was due to employer’s gross negligence or intentional act.regardless of whether the injury was due to employee’s gross negligence or intentional act.unless the injury was due to employee’s gross negligence or intentional act.unless the injury was due to employer’s gross negligence or intentional act.165.The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) makes it clear that in order to violate the law the payment must be made:in cashfor the sale of goods.Corruptlyin the U.S.Please answer and explain why for each question . The questions are attached in the file below.Thank you.incase if the file has problems opening the questions are also posted below.1.Patents, rights to drill for oil on someone’s land, and copyrights of creative works such as books are:special possessions.tangible possessions.inalienable possessions.intangible possessions.2.Most written leases provide the covenant of:quiet enjoyment.Livability.Safety.possession.3.Appointment as a ______ should not be accepted unless one has the temperament, knowledge, and skills necessary to minimize the risks inherent in this position.LessorWarrantorTrusteemortgagor4.A computer program is defined as a “set of statements or instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain act” under the:Global Computer Review Act of 2004.Computer Software Copyright Act of 1980.National Software Act of 1863.U.S.A. Computer Act of 2001.5.If the true owner does not come forward and the finder does not wish to claim ownership, title to the property transfers to the state _________.after a period specified by statute.Immediately.upon the state filing a claim to the owner’s direction.6.Under the current copyright law, a created work is protected for the lifetime of the creator plus:30 years.40 years.50 years.70 years.7.The law concerning bailments provides for certain rights and duties of both bailor and bailee, depending on the:amount of the transactions.nature of the business.kind of positions of the parties.8.A demand instrument such as a note or check must be presented for payment:within the date mentioned in the instrument.within a reasonable time after the date of any time after the instrument is issued.immediately after the date of issue.9.The term _________ includes, in addition to land, both tangible and intangible personal property.IntestacyPropertyPatentjoint tenancy10.In a bailment for the sole benefit of the bailee, the law generally expects the bailee to exercise ___________ care while in possession of the article.great or extraordinaryReasonableLittleabsolute11.Personal property, such as trees or shrubbery purchased at a nursery, become:real property when they are planted.tangible property when they are sold.real property when they are bought.tangible property when they are possessed.12.A signature to which words have been added restricting the further endorsement of the instrument is a:restrictive endorsement.special endorsement.certified endorsement.detailed endorsement.13.Intellectual property is also referred to as __________.economic propertyintellectual capitaltestamentary propertyreal property14.If an executor is deceased, declines to serve, or is lacking in capacity, or if the decedent dies without making a will, the court will appoint a personal representative, known as a(n) _____________.TestatorAdministrator.Settlorlegacy.15.A qualified endorsement can be used together with a blank endorsement or special endorsement by using phrases such as:”With recourse.””With blank endorsement.””With special endorsement.””Without recourse.”16.A federal statute passed to regulate Web sites that contain obscene material or child pornography has now been ruled _____ by the courts because it violates due process of law.Ambiguous.ultra vires.Unconstitutional.unnecessary.17.A formal printed will must be signed by the testator and:Executed.Scripted.Witnessed.supplemented.18.Online marketers of products and services have quickly recognized that learning about consumers’ online behavior presents a real opportunity to increase their:Sales.Interests.Forces.departments.19.What provides the holder with certain rights during the period covered by the lease?Leasehold estate.Accession estate.Conversion estate.Administrator’s estates20.The contractual relationship in a bailment for work and services is concerned with the kind and the quality of work done and the payment for services:Disaffirmed.Assigned.Ratified.performed.21.Design patents are granted for a period:less than 20 years.from 20 to 30 years.from 30 to 40 years.from 40 to 50 years.22.A will that is completely handwritten is a _____ will.TestamentaryHolographicScriptedresiduary23.A bailment allows an owner of personal property to transfer possession of it to another individual for any one of the following purposes, the following conditions release an endorser from liability EXCEPT:any act that completes the negotiation of the instrument, such as payment.the release of a prior party’s obligation or the release of the debtorthe intentional cancellation of the endorser’s signature by the holderan invalid tender of payment by a prior party.25.According to the UCC, if the ____________ of overdue negotiable paper did not have notice or knowledge that the commercial paper was overdue, he or she could be a holder in due courseSellerAcceptor.Buyerproprietor26.The parties involved in a draft or a check have particular names. The person who receives the money is called the:Payee.Drawer.Holder.payer.27.A(n) __________ test is used to determine whether an ordinary reasonable observer comparing two works would have to conclude that the work being questioned was copied from the other.substantial similarityfair useGoodwillinfringement28.One of the benefits of a trust is that it allows the legal title of property to be separated from the benefits of:Partnership.Ownership.Revocation.enjoyment.29.A trust is a device or mechanism that permits personal or real property to be held by one party, the trustee, for the benefit of another, the:Administrator.Executor.Testator.beneficiary.30.When the holder of commercial paper signs his or her name, with or without other words, on the back of the instrument, this writing is referred to as a(n):Acknowledgment.Endorsement.Receipt.acceptance.31.A gift given by a living person who expects to die from a known cause is called a(n):inter vivos gift.causa mortis gift.intestate gift.anticipatory gift.32.If a landlord has violated the express or implied duty to provide the tenant with quiet enjoyment, the tenant may abandon the premises under the doctrine of:actual eviction.tenant eviction.constructive eviction.landlord neglect.33.Title to land also can be acquired as a result of a person’s use of land over a period of time though __________.a warranty deeda leasehold interestadverse possessionadhesion34.A possession interest in which no specific time of lease is agreed upon is a:periodic tenancy.tenancy at will.tenancy for years.tenancy at sufferance.35.A distinctive, nonfunctional feature, which distinguishes a merchant’s or manufacturer’s goods or services from those of another, is known as patent.copyright.36.A transfer of the tenant’s interest for a part of the premises or for a part of the term of the lease is known as a(n):Abandonment.constructive bailment.power of attorney.sublease.37.Much of early English law and tradition concerning wills and estates were intended to maintain a feudal system in which all land belonged to the:King.feudal lords.Businessmen.priests.38.The trustee may purchase securities that are of very low risk and that appear on a document referred to as a(n):bargaining agreement list.covenant list.arbitration list.39.When a person sustains severe anxiety, the injured party may sue the offending party for:illegal interference in privacy.intentional infliction of emotional distress.invasion of privacy.defamation.40.Fraud in executing an instrument is a real, or absolute, defense but fraud related to the circumstances surrounding the issuing of a paper and not to the paper itself is aCounterclaimSetoffpersonal defense.restrictive covenant.41.An item of commercial paper containing the key words of negotiability, such as “pay to the order of,” or their equivalent, is a(n):price quotation.grade instrument.order instrument.bill of lading.42.A family farmer under a Chapter 12 bankruptcy can be all of the following EXCEPT a(n):Individual.Corporation.Municipality.partnership.43.Any writing that includes the essential elements of negotiability is considered a valid check when signed and delivered by the:Payee.Maker.Endorser.drawer.44.If the landlord interferes with the tenant’s right of possession by evicting him or her without a court order of eviction, the tenant has the right to:Sell.Sublease.terminate the lease.purchase the property.45.In the case of newspapers, the ___________ may not recover damages unless he or she can show that the newspaper acted with actual malice.JournalistAgentindividual inflicted with distressdefamed individual46.If a negotiable instrument is not accepted when presented, if it is not paid when presented for payment at maturity, or if presentment is excused or waived and the instrument is past due and unpaid, then it is considered:Ineligible.Defunct.Dishonored.abandoned.47.The type of possession interest a tenant has in real property can vary considerably depending on the agreements between the parties and the provisions of state statutes expressly declare that commercial paper given for gambling transactions or at usurious rates of interest are:Void.Valid.Legal.voidable.49.An endorsement where the name of the payee is written by the payee on the back of a negotiable instrument is a:blank endorsement.special endorsement.restrictive endorsement.qualified endorsement.50.A codicil is prepared to:execute a warranty deed.execute a quit claim deed.revoke, alter, or revise a will.revoke, alter, or revise a gift causa mortis.51.A bailment is a special kind of contract that is widely used in business and in:personal affairs.cultural activities.academic research.charitable institutions.52.A form of joint ownership of property by two or more persons in which the ownership interest of any one of the owners can be sold, transferred or inherited is known as:tenancy by the entirety.tenancy in common.joint form of joint ownership of property by two or more persons in which the ownership interest of any one of the owners can be sold, transferred or inherited is known as:tenancy by the entirety.tenancy in common.joint commercial paper on which the signature of the maker or drawer has been forged, the person liable is the:Acceptor.holder in due course.Drawer.endorser.55.When an endorsement is made on the instrument, it can be further negotiated only when it has been indorsed by the specified person. Such an endorsement is a:specific endorsement.definite endorsement.declarative endorsement.special endorsement.56.Speech that harms a person’s reputation is referred to as:reflective speech.obscene statements.Defamation.deception.57.A file that is imbedded on the hard drive of a computer, often without a person’s knowledge, that collects and stores information about the user and his or her behavior, including the Web sites that have been visited, is known as a:Spoof.Cookie.Crunch.froth.58.A possession interest that is for a specific periodweeks, months, or yearsand automatically terminates on the expiration date is a:periodic tenancy.tenancy for years.tenancy at will.tenancy at sufferance.59.The law gives a tenant the right to make reasonable modifications to the leased property in order to make it suitable:for sale.for gift.60.The Uniform Commercial Code assumes there are warranties in every endorsement to ensure the:endorsement of commercial paper.negotiability of commercial paper.transparency of commercial paper.clarity of commercial paper.61.The voluntary transfer of property by one person to another without consideration or payment of any kind is a(n):informal transfer.will, nullity.statutory Patent and Trademark Office would probably grant a patent if the invention is a device, useful, novel, and:Authorized.Obsolete.Nonobvious.general.63.Withholding payment for transportation charges enables a carrier to hold goods on the basis of a(n):carrier’s lien.warehouser’s lien.proprietor’s lien.equitable lien.64.Under Chapter 13 examples of priority debts include all of the following EXCEPT:certain tax obligations.alimony and child support.wages owed to employees.automobile loans.65.A(n) _____ occurs when tenants transfer their entire interest in property for the remaining term of a lease.Leasehold.Sublease.Eviction.assignment66.Unauthorized access to computers invites violation of:Objectives.Duties.Rights.goals.67.Commercial paper that is dated ahead is:Antedated.Mandated.Dictated.postdated.68.A _________ provides a safe means of transferring money and serves as a receipt when paid and canceled by the bank.Checknon-negotiable noteBondpromissory note69.If a program, such as a complex accounting and budgeting program, is highly specialized and not intended for wide distribution, it would likely be considered a ___________.copyrighted secret.trademark.70.Alivingtrust is also known as a(n):testamentary trust.contemporary trust.inter vivos trust.constructive trust.71.A _________ is somewhat open-ended, since it is automatically renewed at the end of the period, unless the landlord or tenant gives notice of his or her intent to not renew the lease.periodic tenancytenancy for yearstenancy at willtenancy at sufferance72.If no surviving heirs or ancestors of the deceased can be located, the decedent’s property passes to the:charitable trust.siblings of the deceased.friend or friends of the deceased.state.73.The ECPA grants an Internet service provider (ISP) the right to __________ e-mail messages without the subscriber’s consent.MonitorScreenBlockredirect74.A trademark registration is issued for a renewable period of:10 years.20 years.50 years.60 years.75.The kind of bailment created when a friend inadvertently leaves behind an article of jewelry in your home during a visit is a(n):adversarial bailment.declarative bailment.constructive bailment.76.A person who gains unauthorized access to computers, either for mischief or with criminal intent, is called a(n):Imposter.Achiever.Genius.hacker.77.In order to ensure negotiability, the Uniform Commercial Code assumes that the endorser is the true owner of the paper. If he or she found or stole the paper and transferred it to another by endorsement, the:law provides a jail term to the endorser, but not compensation to endorsee.endorser is liable for any loss suffered by the endorsee.endorser is liable up to $500 for the loss suffered by the endorsee.endorsee cannot seek any remedy from the endorser.78.A creditor is an individual or business:to which money is owed.who counts money.who loans moneywho borrows money.79.Ownership is held in ________ when all the rights of ownership in a particular piece of property are held by one person.SeveraltyTenancyDefianceaccession80.The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act allows the bankruptcy court to disallow a petition for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy if the individual filing for bankruptcy earns an income that is __________________ to meet the standards of the means test.too high.too low.too indefinite.too flexible81.In recent years, it has become quite popular for people to trade and download music and other forms of entertainment (movies, games, etc.) from the Web onto compact disks and other digital storage devices. The legal issue associated with this is:copyright infringement.patent infringement.trademark infringement.service mark infringement.82.In a product liability case, the most obvious target of an injured party is a physician or other health care provider acts negligently, the patient may sue for the tort of __________.AdhesionMalpracticeBreachduress84.The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that arbitration clauses in employment contracts are enforceable provided the following conditions are met EXCEPT:The employee has signed the employment contract.The employee has a reasonable time to file a claim.The employee has the right to be represented by an attorney.The employee has the right to appoint the arbitrator.85.The Environmental Protection Agency is charged with the responsibility of selecting appropriate sites for and types of waste that may be discarded into the oceans by:U.S. organizations.International organizations.European Union.United Nations.86.A professional’s improper or immoral conduct in the performance of his or her duties through carelessness or lack of knowledge amounts to:ignorance.Negligence.Malpractice.nuisance.87.A professional who designs devices or installations of a complex nature, such as bridges and power-generating stations is called a(n):Engineer.Architect.Designer.executive.88.A transnational institution’s purpose is to:maintain legal and economic order in trade.provide a set of rules to ensure that there is no trade discriminationoversee the implementation of all multinational trade agreementsmaintain a stable environment for the economies and currencies89.An organization that provides health insurance by coordinating services with specific doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers is _______________.a health maintenance organizationMedicarea major medical insurer.a community based insurer90.The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 was passed to promote ____________ in the workplace.anti-sexual harassment proceduressafety and healthanti-discrimination policiesemployee assistance programs91.The Civil Rights Act of 1991 is a federal statute that provides ___________ to an employee who can prove that he or she was a victim of discrimination.RemediesHousingWagesan attorney92.The increasing volume of international trade and tourism, the globalization of the marketplace, the growing incidence of multinational business organizations, and cultural exchanges have given rise to the need for:domestic law.foreign union law.93.It has been held that when, as a result of his or her negligence, the accountant fails to discover or conceals evidence that a client’s employee has been embezzling funds, an accountant is liable only to his or her:Agent.Company.Client.partner.94.Deforestation alters the distribution and circulation of water, which in turn can lead to all of the following situations EXCEPT:Drought.Avalanche.Flooding.soil erosion.95.Despite the advent of strict liability, there is considerable activity to curb abuses of the system in various state legislatures with a view toward:manufacture reform.liability reform.tort reform.product reform.96.Important federal legislation aimed at protecting the environment includes the Clean Air Act; the Clean Water Act; and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, also known as:Environmental Protection Act.Environmental Impact Statement.Primary Standard Statement.Superfund.97.The ones who are subject to lawsuits for negligence if their work results in injury to parties with whom they have contracted, or to third parties, are:Chiropodists.Discologists.Discographers.architects.98.Professionals generally are members of state and national __________ societies, such as bar associations or medical societies.ProfessionalOrganizationalInsurancecommitment99.Governments reduce unreasonable risk of injury and death associated with consumer products by all of the following, except:providing safety information to the public.developing voluntary and mandatory standards.restricting advertising on television and radio.pursuing recalls of dangerous products.100.Disclosing personal, irrelevant information about a former employee amounts to:Defamation.invasion of privacy.illegal restraint of trade.violation of restrictive covenant101.Superfund created a “Hazardous Substance Trust Fund” to help allay costs in addressing environmentally scarred:Lands.Pelicans.Vegetation.reservoirs.102.The Securities Act of 1933 covers the sale of securities (stock, bonds, and other forms of investments) in the:primary market.secondary market.consumer market.labor market.103.Emergency medical personnel, including first responders, paramedics, and other ambulance crew, are ________ to honor advance directives.Permittednot permittedRequiredtrained104.The federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) provides that Internet Service Providers are not liable for copyright infringements by their subscribers if they adopt and reasonably implement a(n):purchase policy.termination policy.sales policy.105.The federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) provides that Internet Service Providers are not liable for copyright infringements by their subscribers if they adopt and reasonably implement a(n):purchase policy.termination policy.sales policy.106.Individuals who believe their HIPAA rights were violated may file complaints with:their health provider, their insurance company, or the federal governmenttheir health provider onlytheir insurance company onlythe federal government only107.The _____________ publishes a kind of test that is used to help determine whether or not someone is an employee or an independent contractor.U.S. Attorney’s OfficeDepartment of SateFederal Trade Commission.Internal Revenue Service108.An employer is ___________ for an employee’s torts committed within the scope of employment.not responsibleRewardedResponsibleostracized109.A period of time during which no state may levy sales taxes on Internet Service Providers is known as a(n) valorem tax.110.When the host country mandates that at least partial ownership of the foreign company be sold to local citizens or companies prior to the foreign company’s conducting business within the host country’s borders, then:domestication occurs.expropriation occurs.confiscation occurs.localization occurs.111.When a patient consults with a physician, the two parties are entering into a(n) policyhealth insurance exchangeContracthealth maintained organization112.A lawsuit against the financial planner’s intentional or negligent misstatement or nondisclosure of a material fact relating to an investment is brought for _____.Churning.Nuisance.Unsuitability.misrepresentation.113.The federal statute designed to protect individuals from illegal employment discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, and national origin is known as the:Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.Civil Rights Act of 1964.Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978.114.Early federal statutes dealing with environmental issues concerned themselves primarily with conservation of forests and:Native Americans.Ethics.Culture.wildlife.115.A person who dispenses drugs other than those specifically prescribed by authorized professionals such as physicians also can be charged with malpractice if the incorrectly dispensed drugs cause injury to the legal user. Such a person is known as a:Pharmacist.Physician.Psychiatrist.nurse.116.Liability without the necessity of proving fault is:tortuous liability.strict liability.vicarious liability.117.Insurance agents and insurance brokers are deemed to possess superior knowledge of insurance and to have the ability to use their expertise to protect buyers against various kinds of:Losses.Negligence.Malpractice.churning.118.In 1970, Congress created the _______________, which has the responsibility of regulating business activities as these relate to the environment.Environmental Protection AgencyEnvironmental Impact StatementComprehensive Environmental ResponseSuperfund119.Insurance coverage that provides supplementary income to make up for lost wages due to an illness or accident that prevents an employee from working at his or her regular employment is knows as:Medicaiddisability insurance.a health maintenance organizationfamily plans120.Discrimination in employment is covered by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 under:Title V.Title VI.Title VII.Title VIII.121.When the client relies on the financial planner’s recommendations and suffers a loss, the financial planner can be sued for:Libel.Battery.Negligence.nuisance.122.Environmentalists have recently turned their attention to the increased amount of “space junk” that is:polluting the earth.depleting the ozone layer.falling on the earth.orbiting the planet.123.The continued use of (a) _________ often causes insects to become immune to the chemical compounds.PesticideMineralspolluted waternitrogen124.The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 covers the trading of securities in the _____________, defined as the place where one member of the public sells securities to another member of the public.primary marketsecondary marketconsumer marketlabor market125.In 1998, an act was passed by the Congress that established a moratorium on taxing ISPs on the services they provide to computer users. This act was called the:Digital Millennium Copyright Act.Securities Exchange Act.Statute of Fraud.Internet Tax Freedom Act.126.Many scientists believe that the increased burning of fossil fuels has loaded the atmosphere with heat-trapping carbon dioxide creating global warming, a condition known as (the):Pollution.Superfund.greenhouse effect.acid rain.127.The “Americans with Disabilities Act” defines disability as a(n) _________ that substantially limits one or more of the major activities of life.ImpairmentAccidentTragedyoccurrence128.The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), requires that companies maintain records of employee work-related accidents and sicknesses and post data regarding these __________.Every month.Twice a year.Every February.Every three months.129.An employee handbook typically contains which of the following?The history of the company.The Company’s independent contractors.An employee directory.The Company’s caveat emptor provisions.130.In 1992, the SEC created a computerized system, known as the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system that allows companies to:upload required information directly.sell its shares to the public online.make advertisements on the web.register with the Federal Trade Commission.131.A profession in which practitioners attempt to advise their clients, who can be either individuals or businesses, of the best ways to manage their financial affairs is known as:strategic planning.corporate planning.132.A federal agency responsible for administering laws relating to labor unions is the:National Labor Retaliation Board.State Labor Relations Board.National Labor Relations Board.National Law Regulation Board.133.If the Web site visitor has had an ample opportunity to read the terms of an agreement, and if those terms are not unreasonable, a(n):void contract exists.voidable contract exists.valid contract exists.unenforceable contract exists.134.A fault in a product that creates a hazardous condition that causes injury is defect.product flaw.proximate cause.135.A type of umbrella health insurance policy that covers serious illnesses and lengthy hospitalizations is ______________.Medicarea health maintenance organization.a community based health insurance policy.a major medical health insurance policy.136.The financial planner’s unreasonably excessive buying or selling of securities to generate commission is known as:Churning.Negligence.Misrepresentation.fraud.137.Trade among nations remains a vital ingredient to the economic health of the world’s population. While countries are sovereign and create and interpret their own sets of laws, the goal is that trade be governed by:nongovernmental unions.transnational institutions.138.There has been a growing recognition that economic interests are causing the gradual destruction of the rain forests found in:Wastelands.cold climates.tropical climates.139.In documents pertaining to wills, codicils, and related testamentary papers, ESIGN does not apply to electronic:transaction details.Symbols.Signatures.witnesses.140.As a response to OSHA standards, companies are paying greater attention to the developing science of ergonomics, which deals with designing workplaces so as to promote safety and:economic conditions.Wealth.personal of the following are the elements that a plaintiff must prove in order to be successful in establishing the defendant’s negligence in a product liability lawsuit EXCEPT:Warranty.Breach.Duty.damages.142.A state wishing to collect a sales tax must levy the tax on a:buyer who resides within the state.seller who resides within the state.middleman who resides within the state.buyer who resides outside the state.143.The thing that is extremely difficult to collect on small items sold on the Web, and most states do not make efforts to collect, is:income tax.use tax.corporation tax.144.In a malpractice lawsuit, the plaintiff must show that the professional defendant’s act or failure to act directly caused the injury or loss. This element of malpractice is called:breach of duty.Negligence.undue hardship.proximate cause.145.An individual must demonstrate that he or she is __________ when signing an advance directive.CompetentTerminalIncompetentinsolvent146.Employees may still sue their employers if it was the employer’s ____________ conduct that caused the injury or illness.IntentionalMaliciousgrossly negligentBoth intentional and grossly negligent147.An advance directive only takes effect when the individual becomes incapable of making treatment decisions that, in some states, must be confirmed by at least two __________.licensed physicians.licensed membersnext of kin.148.___________ regulates the dumping of waste onto land.Clean Water ActSuperfundEnvironmental Protection AgencyClear Air Act149.Means of Alternative Dispute Resolution include:counseling and analysis.mediation and arbitration.preliminary and prohibitory injunctions.temporary and permanent injunctions.150.The protected class created pursuant to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act is of persons:who are minors.over the age of 40.who are spouse of employee.who are decedents of ex-employee.151.A federal statute designed to provide executives of American companies with rules and restrictions relating to paying persons in foreign countries to expedite business in these foreign nations is the:Civil Rights Act.Trade Union Act.Intellectual Property and Real Act.Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.152.issuers of securities must register the securities with the:U.S. Copyright Commission.U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.Securities and Exchange Commission.Federal Trade Commission.153.The electronic contracts containing electronic signatures are just as enforceable as those that are printed on paper is a statement made by a federal statute called the:Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890.Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004.Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998.Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act of 2000.154.In 1997, the major cigarette manufacturers in the United States entered into a contract, which was referred to as the:Vicarious Liability Agreement.Master Settlement Agreement.Consumer Product Safety Agreement.Federal Administrative Agreement.155.The distinction that developed between malpractice and other forms of negligence in part stems from the fact that the performance of certain professionals is known as a(n):Performance.Behavior.Practice.employment.156.The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 protects persons who are not currently disabled but who have a record of a:mental disability.physical disability.covered disability.hidden disability.157.When a person who has confidential information about a particular company purchases shares of the company’s stock with the intention of selling these shares for a higher price when the information is released to the general public, then it is known as:Touting.Churning.Buffering.insider trading.158.A federal program that pays for specified health care expenses for individuals who are 65 years of age or older is known as _________.Medicare.Medicaid.The Affordable Care Act.Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.159.The federal and state governments enact numerous statutes and rules to reduce unreasonable risks of injury and death associated with:safety products.manufacturer products.retailer products.consumer products.160.An advertisement that contains an important misrepresentation, omission, or practice likely to mislead a consumer who acts reasonably under the circumstances is known as a(n):adversarial opinion.descriptive advertisement.deceptive advertisement.prejudiced opinion.161.____________________ is caused by factories and other production facilities which is covered by the Clean Air Act.Noise pollutionMobile pollutionStationary pollution.Light pollution162.The acts of an employee committed while performing duties for the employer are considered:his or her own responsibility alone.the acts of the of be the court’s responsibility.163.If insurance agents and brokers either fail to recommend the purchase of the right kind of insurance to protect against a specific type of loss or fail to recommend appropriate amounts of coverage, then it amounts to:Churning.Negligence.Malpractice.embargoes.164.Under workers’ compensation laws, any employee who is injured in the course of employment is permitted to recover compensation for the injury:only if the injury was due to employer’s gross negligence or intentional act.regardless of whether the injury was due to employee’s gross negligence or intentional act.unless the injury was due to employee’s gross negligence or intentional act.unless the injury was due to employer’s gross negligence or intentional act.165.The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) makes it clear that in order to violate the law the payment must be made:in cashfor the sale of goods.Corruptlyin the U.S.