Advanced evidence based practice and applied nursing research to examine care processes
741.2.2: Research Questions – The graduate formulates effective research questions that allow for the investigation of clinical problems.
741.2.3: Research Sources – The graduate evaluates the credibility and relevance of sources of information using the research process.
741.2.5: The Research Process – The graduate analyzes the benefits and limitations of various research methodologies.
741.2.8: Implementing Research Findings – The graduate integrates strategies for promoting the implementation of evidence-based practice using translational science.
Nursing and healthcare is evidence-based, meaning we use evidence to develop or examine care processes (Schmidt & Brown, 2011). Additionally, nursing relies on concise communication and scholarly research and writings to share knowledge (Garrard, 2007). In this project, you will write a review of literature of primary research on a topic of your choice in nursing or healthcare. Your topic should be related to your clinical expertise, your views of nursing processes, or your concerns in healthcare. Your topic should be a problem that is important to nursing practice.
In your essay, you will present your literature review using two of the most common tools of evidence-based practice (EBP): a matrix to summarize the structure of the primary/original research gathered and an annotated bibliography to summarize the findings of each piece of research. A learning resource is available to you on how to use matrices of research in the text by Garrard (2007), located in your course of study.
Additionally, professional nursing practice often requires us to demonstrate EBP skills in career ladders or job applications. Your review of literature should reflect your scholarship and your abilities to support changing or improving practice through evidence. Think of your peers seeing your research as they learn the latest evidence on your topic, or think of those interviewing you for new positions and how they would critique your EBP skills and scholarship.
Write a literature review of your chosen topic by doing the following:
A. Discuss your topic under investigation, including how it is important to nursing.
Note: You may use pieces of the primary research you gather in part D as in-text citations to support your discussion.
B. Develop a problem statement, including the reason for performing a literature review on your topic.
C. Evaluate five resources or databases that you may consider using for your primary research, including a review of their value and credibility to your chosen topic.