Aim: The aim of this written assessment item is to apply evidence based care to the nursing assessment of a family. When an infant young child or adolescent experiences a health or social issue the issue can impact upon all family members.

Nurses working in acute care and community settings need to understand the functioning of the family unit so they can care for and assist the whole family. There are several family assessment tools that may be used by nurses to perform a family assessment and it is important to understand the strengths and the limitations of any tool you use in clinical practice to provide a family-centred and partnership approach to your nursing care.
Instructions: This written assignment has three distinct parts that you should address separately (as three distinct pieces of writing). You do not need to provide an introduction or a conclusion for any of these parts.
(Part one) The Principles of Family Assessment: (approx. 400 words) Describe the principles of family assessment and explain why it is important for a nurse to undertake a family assessment. Use at least three scholarly references from separate sources to support this part.
(Part Two) The Nursing Assessment of a Family: (approx. 600 words) There are two family scenarios on the following pages for you to choose from; select one. Select one of the family assessment tools we have explored in lectures and tutorials. Demonstrate an understanding of the selected family assessment tool by appropriately using it to assess your selected family. You may include a diagram as an Appendix. Identify the strengths of the assessment tool (tasks or actions that it does well) and the limitations of the assessment tool (its weaknesses what it does not capture or assess well) to justify your choice of the tool you are going to use. Note that these strengths and weakness are in general terms and not in relation to your chosen scenario. Use at least two scholarly references from separate sources to support this part.
(Part Three) Identification and Discussion of Family Issues: (approx. 1000 words) Identify two issues for the family and using appropriate research discuss what is known about each of these issues. Note that most of part three should be allocated to this dot point as per your marking guide (30% of your overall marks). Provide a nursing goal1 to address each of the two issues you have identified. Note that this dot point has 10% allocation of marks so ensure you use your word count wisely in part three. Use at least five scholarly references from separate sources to support this part.
Other elements: Refer to the School of Nursing & Midwifery Writing and Referencing Guide for guidance on writing and referencing according to APA 6th style and presentation. Ensure that you use scholarly literature2 (digitised readings research articles relevant Government reports and text books) that has been published within the last 10 years. If you use literature older than 10 years you will need to justify why you are not using recent literature i.e. seminal3 research. Use headings to identify each part of the written assessment. (It is recommended that you use the headings suggested in the instructions for parts 1 2 and 3). Use academic language4 throughout and write in the third person. Refer to the marking guidelines when writing your assignment. This will assist you in calculating the weightings of the sections for your assignment. State your word count (excluding your reference list) on the Assignment Coversheet. Maintain academic integrity
1 Goal setting in nursing provides direction for planning nursing interventions and evaluating patient progress. We suggest writing nursing goals that are SMART. SMART goals are Specific Measurable Action-Oriented Realistic and Timely. For example a vague nursing goal is: Increase patient hydration. A SMART nursing goal wo



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