What do I already know about multicultural and bilingual aspects of special education in a few words (you can list terms or share a few experiences you’ve had)?

What questions do I have?

Rating my knowledge:
Please rate your knowledge before you read using this scale:
1. I don’t feel like I know anything about this topic.
2. I’ve heard some of the terms, but couldn’t tell you what they mean
3. I feel fairly comfortable with the key concepts, but want to know more.
4. I know all about this, and could teach this section.
As I read, here are my thoughts:
Main Topic Key Points
How does Multicultural education affect students with disabilities?
In this chapter, there is a great discussion on subcultures – summarize what you’ve learned here.
What have you learned about exceptionality groups in this chapter?
What strategies might be used to support students with disabilities from different cultural backgrounds? Include classwide peer tutoring in your discussion.
What have you learned about the sheltered-English approach?
Go to https://www.colorincolorado.org/ and explore a minimum of 5 resources at this site. In the section below, copy the URL on the left and summarize what you found on the left.
URL 1:
URL 2:
URL 3:
URL 4:
URL 5:
After I read, here are my thoughts:
What questions do I still have?
Other information I’d like to include/remember from this chapter’s reading

2005PSY Individual Difference Assignment – Outline 1
2005PSY Personality & Individual Differences
Semester 1 2015
Individual Differences Assignment – Personality Report: Outline
Due Date: 9th May 15 16:00 Week 9
Weight: 35%
Word count: 1500 words
General Information:
?? The written assignment for 2005PSY is a 1500 word personality report. You may
choose to focus this report on one of the following areas:
1. Academia and Motivation
2. Academia and Anxiety
3. Academia and Sociability
o The report should be written as a formal, academic piece and can be written in
in first person (e.g. I, my) or in third person referring to yourself as ‘the client’
or by your initials (e.g., JH’s score on…).
Report Structure:
?? The report will follow the following structure:
o Focus of the Personality Report
o Summary of Individual Assessment Scales
o Integration of Evidence
o Recommendations
Focus of the Personality Report:
?? The first paragraph of the assignment should describe the focus of your review and
explain why this is important for you/the client.
o The three topics we have given you will guide the topic, but you will need to
explain the specific focus of the report.
?? For example, if you have chosen Academia and Motivation you would
need to explain your/the client’s need for this report (e.g., are you/the
client not motivated to study further? Are you/the client considering
studying something else?, Are you/the client motivated to improve
your academic performance or learning style?)
2005PSY Individual Difference Assignment – Outline 2
?? Your Individual Differences Assignment must have a clear focus.
?? The length of this section should be approximately 250 words
Summary of Individual Assessment Scales
For the first assessment (the online questionnaire you completed), we presented many
personality and individual scales, some of which will be more relevant to the focus of your
review than others. So in this section of the Individual Differences Assignment, you will need
?? Choose two (2) or three (3) individual difference scales out of the 14 available to you.
?? Keep in mind there are advantages and disadvantages to using more or less scales –
three scales will be difficult to talk about in sufficient detail for your word count,
while two scales will give you less evidence to back up your position/ argument.
?? Think carefully about the importance and relevance of the scales to your topic before
making your decision!
?? Identify which scales you have chosen and discuss why they are relevant to the focus
of your report.
?? Provide a brief review of each scale, including previous evidence of their reliability
and validity. While many statements of evidence can be provided it is sufficient that
you provide one statement of evidence for reliability and one statement of validity per
scale. Make sure to include the citation and reference of the original creators of scales
you are using.
o E.g., The DASS21 has been shown to be a moderately reliable and highly
valid measure of depression (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1999).
?? Interpret what the scores on the chosen scales indicate about you/the client based on:
o Objective comparison of your scores with others scores in the course
?? E.g., a comparison of my score/the clients scores (m =, sd = ) with the
mean of the cohort (m =, sd = ) shows that I am/the client is
comparatively low in conscientiousness.
o Objective comparison of your scores with other samples or populations or
other available data (based on research)
o Arguments and points made can be further strengthened using one of the
following BLIS data for each point being argued:
?? Behavioural Data (e.g., self or other observations)
?? Life Data (e.g., academic transcript)
?? Informant report (e.g., parental statements, previous teachers)
2005PSY Individual Difference Assignment – Outline 3
?? Self-report (e.g. introspection)
?? Remember to be academic here! Personal anecdotes are not the
same as behavioural observations.
o E.g., ‘the client’s mother reported JH would spend
several hours a day doing household tasks during time
JH had allocated to studying,’ in a discussion of
academic motivation is very different to writing ‘the
client’s mum said they always clean instead of
?? Remember to focus on available research as opposed to BLIS
reports and use BLIS reports to strengthen points you have
made using available research. Personality reports should
include approximately double the amount of objective
comparisons (e.g., comparisons to cohort and other samples
and populations) to BLIS reports.
?? The length of this section should be roughly 750 words
Integration of Evidence:
?? Having summarised and interpreted your scores, you will need to provide an
integrating paragraph in which you bring together the various scores of the scales
you used and other evidence to explain how they make sense with respect to the
focus of your report. You will need to discuss:
o Whether or not the scores are consistent with one another and whether they
show a coherent picture of you in the context of the chosen focus.
o What contrasting scores mean:
?? Do you think the scales are reflecting different aspects of
?? E.g., the client’s score of high avoidance on one measure
and high approach on another measure accurately reflect
contrasting context dependent behaviours and traits.
?? Do you think there is an issue with the scales’ validity or
?? E.g., the pattern of high approach and high avoidance
behaviours shown by the two measures is likely not
accurate / not valid as the measure is not taking into
consideration the client’s cultural background where
withdrawal is perceived as respectful as opposed to
?? Using the combined evidence you have provided about your topic of focus, you will
need to identify:
2005PSY Individual Difference Assignment – Outline 4
o 2-3 strengths
?? E.g., the combined evidence suggests that the client has high
academic motivation and strong study plans
o 2-3 weaknesses
?? E.g., the combined evidence suggests that I procrastinate extensively
and have weak study plans
?? You will need to relate link your strengths and weaknesses to areas for further
growth in the next section (recommendations).
?? The length of this section should be roughly 250 words
?? The final part of the Individual Differences Assignment is a set of recommendations
for you/the client. These recommendations need to be clearly linked to both the focus
of your review (first section of this assignment) and the integration of evidence (3rd
section of this assignment). In your recommendations, you should include plans for:
o Building upon strengths and addressing weaknesses by exploring opportunities
and areas for growth or development
The recommendations may include:
o Study plan
o Behavioural changes
?? E.g., if you procrastinate too much, what has research suggested
that you can do about procrastination?
?? E.g., if you are overly anxious about examinations, what has
research suggested that you can do about your exam anxiety?
o Changes in social circle
o Changes in approach to study or other persons
o Social arrangements
o or any other plan for personal development that reflects your specific
situation with links to the focus of the report.
?? All recommendations must be based on research evidence alone or in
combination with BLIS reports.
The length of this section should be roughly 250 words
2005PSY Individual Difference Assignment – Outline 5
Personality Report Specific Details:
?? Cover Sheet:
o The cover sheet will be the first page of your report
o This is available in 2005PSY course content on L@G
o You must include a Cover Sheet in your submission. Not including a
cover sheet may result in an automatic fail for your assignment!
?? Title Page:
o You must have a title page including:
?? a running head
?? header
?? page number
?? title
?? your name
?? your University “Griffith University Gold Coast Campus”
?? your affiliation “School of Applied Psychology”
o It is your responsibility to ensure that you follow these guidelines while
adhering to APA (use your Redbook or APA 6th Manual).
?? Abstract:
o You must have an abstract (maximum 120 words).
o Abstract will include 2-3 sentences reflecting each section of the report:
?? Focus of personality report (1-2 sentences)
?? Summary of Individual Assessment Scales (2-3 sentences)
?? Integration of Evidence (2-3 sentences)
?? Recommendations (1-2 sentences)
o One mark will be reduced from abstract section per 5 words over the 120 word
?? Body of Report:
o Focus of personality report (250 words)
o Summary of Individual Assessment Scales (750 words)
o Integration of Evidence (250 words)
o Recommendations (250 words)
?? References:
o All citations must be accurately referenced
o All references must be APA formatted (see your Redbook or APA 6th Manual)
2005PSY Individual Difference Assignment – Outline 6
?? Appendices:
o Appendices should include a table of all your individual scores and group
scores on each of the scales you have chosen to focus on for your report. This
table should be APA formatted (see your APA guidelines in the Redbook or
APA 6th manual). Tutors will double check that your scores are accurately
?? Word Count:
o Word count is 1500 +/- 10%.
o Marks will be reduced from the assignment at 2 marks per fifty words over or
under the +/- 10% limit.
o Quotes and citations are included in your word count.
o References, abstract, diagrams, tables, and appendices are not included in your
word count.
o Discrepancies between stated word count (on your cover sheet) and actual
word count will result in reduction of marks at 2 marks per fifty words of
?? Conventions and Style of report:
o Referencing, Citations, Formatting, and Appendices must all adhere to
APA 6th (see your Redbook or APA 6th Manual).
?? Submission:
o Assignments are submitted through L@G using Turnitin.



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