Articulation of Response (clarity, organization, mechanics) The candidate provides substantial articulation of response.

A. Investigated Disease Process The candidate investigates 1 of the given disease processes.
A1. Pathophysiology The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with substantial detail, of the pathophysiology of the disease process selected in part A.
A2. Standard of Practice The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the standard of practice for the selected disease process.
A2a. Pharmacological Treatments The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the evidence-based pharmacological treatments in the candidate?s state and how they affect management of the selected disease in the candidate?s community.
A2b. Clinical Guidelines The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of clinical guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and patient education for the selected disease process.
A2c. Standard Practice of Disease Management The candidate provides an appropriate comparison, with substantial detail, of standard practice for managing the disease within the candidate?s community with state or national practices.
A3. Managed Disease Process The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of characteristics of and resources for a patient who manages the selected disease well, including access to care, treatment options, life expectancy, and outcomes.
A3a. Disparities The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with substantial support, of disparities between management of the selected disease on a national and international level.
A4. Managed Disease Factors The candidate provides a logical discussion, with sufficient detail, of 3 or 4 factors that contribute to a patient being able to manage the selected disease.
A4a. Unmanaged Disease Factors The candidate provides a logical explanation, with substantial detail, of how a lack of the factors discussed in part A4 leads to an unmanaged disease process.
A4ai. Unmanaged Disease Characteristics The candidate provides an appropriate description, with sufficient detail, of the characteristics of a patient with the selected disease that is unmanaged.
B. Patients, Families, & Populations The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with substantial detail, of how the selected disease process affects patients, families, and populations in the candidate?s community.
B1. Costs The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the financial costs associated with the selected disease process for patients, families, and populations from diagnosis to treatment.
C. Best Practices Promotion The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of how the candidate will promote best practices for managing the selected disease in the candidate?s current healthcare organization.
C1. Implementation Plan The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of 3 strategies the candidate could use to implement best practices for managing the selected disease in the candidate?s current healthcare organization.
C2. Evaluation Method The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of an appropriate method to evaluate the implementation of each of the strategies from part C1.
D. Sources When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with no readily detectable deviations from APA style, OR the candidate does not use sources.



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