Choose some aspect of your life(work, school, health care, religion, entertainment, etc.) and analyze the extent to which and the way in which McDondalization has occurred.
Mcdonaldization paper.
[Work directly from the book: The McDonaldization of Society 5; by George Ritzer]

Choose some aspect of your life(work, school, health care, religion, entertainment, etc.) and analyze the extent to which and the way in which McDondalization has occurred.

Here are some tips for doing well.

1. Begin by describing the setting–the school, workplace, clinic, etc. In doing this, “show off” your sociological vocabulary. Use concepts from the text as appropriate. Try to paint a vivid, compelling picture of the organization or institution you are analyzing.

2. Use all four elements of Mcdonaldization,(presuming they all apply). If you think that some aspect of McDonaldization has not (yet) invaded your area, explain why. Part of the art of writing a good paper is to display your mastery of the book.

3. Provide specific citations (i.e., page numbers) for material that you take from the Ritzer book, either as direct quotes or as general use. Double check all quotes for accuracy., and be sure to use quotation marks to indicate where your language stops and someone else’s begins.

4. Provide details. For example, if you are describing a workplace in which a prescribed script is followed, be sure to reproduce the script. If there is a dress code, tell me what it is.

5. Do a little research. This is not a research paper, and no outside research is required, but you may find that you can enrich your paper significantly by a brief visit to the library–or the web. For example, if you are reporting on work in a Mcdonaldized hair salon, you might want to find out about the trend toward franchising in the beauty salon world. What proportion of hair cutting establishments are franchises? If you do use outside sources, be sure to give them proper credit, and be sure to quote accurately if you use direct quotes.

6. Edit your paper carefully.



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