Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan

As Dr. Rempher and Ms. Manna discussed this week, data from the NDNQI is used to improve nursing practices and support the strategic outcomes of an organization. This data is also used to create the Dashboard. The Dashboard, then, is used to create an action plan. Correctly interpreting information presented on the Dashboard provides nurses with a better understanding of the goals of the action plan.

This week, use the Dashboard, linked here and posted in Doc Sharing, to interpret the data and frame a nursing plan based on best practices. Download the Sample Dashboard references Articles;

  • Dabney, B.W. & Tzeng, H.M. (2013). Service quality and patient-centered care.
  • MedSurg Nursing, 22(6), 359-364. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Halm, M.A. & OConnor, M.A. (2014).
  • Do system-based interventions affect catheter-associated urinary tract infection? American Journal of Critical Care, 23(6), 505-509. doi: 10.4037/ajcc2014689 Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Petlin, A., Schallom, M., Prentice, D., Sona, C., Mantia, P., McMullen, K. & Landholt, C. (2014). Chlorhexidine gluconate bathing to reduce methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus acquisition.
  • Critical Care Nurse, 34(5), 17-26. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Pokrywka, M., Feigel, J., Douglas, B., Grossberger, S., Hensler, A. & Weber, D. (2014).
  • A bundle strategy including patient hand hygiene to decrease clostridium difficile infections. MedSurg Nursing, 23(3), 145-164. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Smeulers, M., Lucas, C., & Vermeulen, H. (2014).
  • Effectiveness of different nursing handover styles for ensuring continuity of information in hospitalized patients (review).
  • The Cochrane Collaboration, Issue 6, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Webster, J., Scuffham, P. Stankiewicz, M. & Chaboyer, W.P. (2014).
  • Negative pressure wound therapy for skin grafts and surgical wounds healing by primary intention (review).
  • The Cochrane Collaboration, Issue 10. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Verheyden, G.S.A.F., Weerdesteyn, V., Pickering, R.M. Kunkel, D., Lennon, S., Geurts, A.C.H., & Ashburn, A. (2013).
  • Interventions for preventing falls in people after stroke (review). The Cochrane Collaboration, Issue 5. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Web site Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014).
  • Ebola virus disease: Information for healthcare workers and settings. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/index.html?s_cid=cs_4318 To locate the articles from Walden library username: adedoyin.aderonmu@waldenu.edu password: Adeoyin04

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