Demonstrate developing skills in academic and information literacy that provide a foundation for evidence based nursing.

Introduction to the Profession of Nursing introduces students to health, wellness and illness as concepts within a primary health care framework; the art and science of nursing; the role and expectations of the nurse within an interdisciplinary team working in primary, secondary and tertiary settings in the Australian health care system. Foundation concepts in nursing as a profession, professionalism, scholarship, and health law and ethics are explored. Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit a student should be able to: 1. Identify ways in which history, language and culture have shaped nursing as a practice and as a scholarly discipline; 2. Critically reflect on the values and characteristics of professionalism that contribute to health care through collaboration, cooperation and therapeutic communication; 3. Articulate the key principles underlying ethical, legal and professional guidelines and codes that underpin the practice of registered nurses in Australia. 4. Demonstrate developing skills in academic and information literacy that provide a foundation for evidence based nursing. 5. Articulate and define the NMBA Competency Standards, Codes of Ethics and Codes of Practice for the Registered Nurse. 6. Develop a critical and reflexive approach to nursing practice. Teaching and Learning Strategies This unit is offered in internal or external modes of teaching and learning and is online reliant. It may incorporate any of the following: discussion board, tutorials/ lectures, group work, journaling, flipped classroom activities. Participation Internal students are expected to attend a two hour lecture/tutorial each week up to week 10. These lectures/tutorials will consist of group work based on the previous week’s readings. External students will have access to Collaborate sessions based on the previous week’s readings. These sessions will be recorded so that students can access them at any time. 2 of 8 It is recommended that students undertake 10 hours of study each week for this ten credit point unit. Specific details of individual class times can be obtained by accessing the class timetable at: Overview of Assessment Item Description/Focus Value Relates to learning outcomes 1. Written Essay (1500) 40% 3, 4. 5 2. Case Based Essay (2000) 60% 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Recommended Resources A laptop or portable device capable of connecting to the internet to use in class Required textbook(s) Daly, J Speedy, S & Jackson, D (eds) 2013, Contexts of Nursing: an introduction, 4th edn, Elsevier, Sydney, Australia. Recommended Reading Kerridge, I Lowe, M & Stewart, C 2013, Ethics and law for the health professions, 4th edn, The Federation Press, Leichhardt, NSW. Required textbooks can be ordered from the CDU Bookshop through their website at 3 of 8 Learnline (Online Learning System) Learnline is Charles Darwin University’s on-line learning system In this unit, Learnline may be used to:  provide important announcements about the unit  distribute lecture slides, and other study materials  complete online assessments  access feedback from tasks and grades for assessable work  provide a communication point where you contribute to discussions as part of your assessment, and to interact with other students in the unit You will need to have regular and reliable broadband access to complete unit requirements. Access to Learnline may not be available until Day 1 of Semester. eReserve Course Readings eReserve Course Readings allows electronic copies of journal articles, book chapters and lecturer notes that have been recommended by a lecturer as part of their course reading requirements. You can access eReserve Course Readings at . This site is password protected. Your CDU student login will provide you access. You can then search for items by Lecturer, Unit Code, Title, Author, keyword, Year or Date if you have that information. Learning Schedule Weeks Topics Assessment 1. ONE Past, present and future trends in nursing 2. TWO National Competency standards for the registered nurse 3. THREE The art of caring 4. FOUR Scholarship and critical thinking in Nursing 5. FIVE Health Care delivery in Australia ASSIGNMENT ONE DUE 6. SIX Professionalism in nursing 7. SEVEN The multidisciplinary team 8. EIGHT Multiculturalism in nursing 9. NINE Introduction to legal aspects for nurses and nursing practice 10.TEN Advocacy 11.ELEVEN End of life 12.TWELVE Summing it all up! ASSIGNMENT TWO DUE 4 of 8 Assessment Item 1 Description/Focus: Written Essay Value: 40% Due date: 13:00 (Darwin time) Monday Week 6 Length: 1,500 words Task: Universities use the National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse when developing nursing curricula and assessing student and new graduate performance. Your task for this assessment is to: 1. Select a domain from the National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse 2. From that domain select a competency or subsection of a competency 3. In essay format discuss how the National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse and more specifically your selected standard relate to you and your role as a student or future Registered Nurse. It is recommended that you consider the following points in your essay: 1. The purpose and function of the National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse 2. The relationship between the National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse, the Code of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia 3. The significance of the selected competency or subsection 4. How you believe you can best meet your selected competency or subsection. Presentation: Writing  Write in the third person; avoid personal pronouns such as ‘I’ and ‘you’.  Avoid long, confusing sentences and check that your tenses (past, present and future) are consistent within the same sentence.  Avoid posing questions; work the information into the paragraph. 5 of 8  Use plain English. It is essential your meaning is clear and that you demonstrate your understanding of the nature of the topic.



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