Discuss how you would apply therapeutic communication skills to build a relationship with Vinay during his admission.

Mental health nursing

Order Description

Read the scenario below. Discuss how you would apply therapeutic communication skills to build a relationship with Vinay during his admission.

You are meeting 19 year old Vinay for the first time. Encouraged by his family. As a new graduate nurse you are part of the multidisciplinary team responsible for Vinay’s assessment. Vinay has just presented for assessment at the mental health unit. As you observe Vinay in the waiting room, he appears disinterested and withdrawn. His parents report to you that Vina’s behaviour has changed gradually over the last 6 months. He has become moody and uncommunicative. His parents also report that in recent weeks he has started talking about his thoughts being controlled by energy waves emitted by the television. His parents state that Vinay has in the past used cannabis heavily. They also tell you that his academic performance has suffered and that his friends have also noticed the changes in Vinay’s mood and behaviour.


Read to assignment question carefully.

Check the marking rubric (pdf, 235kb) so that you understand how your essay will be marked.

Ensure you understand the School of Health (Nursing) Assignment Policy and in particular, penalties for overdue assignments.

Revise your understanding of plagiarism and how to avoid this form of student misconduct. Revise CDU-APA Referencing. Go to https://libguides.cdu.edu.au/cdureferencing for help with referencing. You can submit a draft into the Draft Checking link to obtain a report on matched text (go to Draft Checking for instructions and advice on interpretation of the text matching report). You can submit once only into Draft Checking.

Ensure that your computer and internet connection complies with CDU requirements (see https://learnline.cdu.edu.au/support/learnline/systemrequirements.html ).

If you have technical problems, you must ring 24-hour Learnline Support for assistance. Keep the Ticket No. for reference. If you have not been able to complete your assignment submission due to technical problems, contact the Unit Coordinator and must quote this number.


DO NOT use a cover sheet. It is recommended you put the Unit Code, your name and student number in the footer of every page.

The essay length is 1500 words (including in-text citations, but excluding the reference list).

Prepare your essay as a single file using MS Word (or similar). An essay structure is required; include an introduction, body (argument) and conclusion.

In-text citations and references are to be presented according to CDU-APA style. Start a new page for your reference list. Your reference list should be the final page of your essay.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure correct submission. Your essay MUST be submitted via the Learnline system and will not be accepted by any other mechanism. Your assignment will be marked and feedback returned online through My Grades in Learnline. Only one submission will be marked.

Assessment criteria:



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