Discuss one potential barrier (something that could prevent you from enacting your plan), and how you could realistically overcome this barrier.


LAVC Psy 60 Discussion 8

Order Description

Psychology 60: Stress Management
Discussion 8
Reduce – Create a plan to reduce your stress. Chapter #8 from textbook.
The required textbook is Coping with Stress in a Changing World by Richard Blonna, 4th Edition only. Orange cover. McGraw Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-302660-2.
2 pages

1) Discuss a very specific* and detailed plan using two ideas from the chapter to reduce your stress, or someone else’s stress.
2) As part of your discussion, discuss how your “Stress Reduction Plan” connects to the chapter material by using one quote from the chapter (with page number) to make your point.
3) Discuss one potential barrier (something that could prevent you from enacting your plan), and how you could realistically overcome this barrier.

*Specific/detailed means:
When – how often, what day(s), what time of day your stress reduction plan will work into your schedule/daily/weekly life.
How – how exactly and realistically you will use the skills from the chapter to make a positive change to help you cope with stress.
What – what will you do to ensure that you stick to your stress reduction plan. This needs to be realistic so that you accomplish your plan given all the barriers that life and schedules inherently have.

Provide unique information, including the quote from the chapter.

Chapter #8 will cover many practical areas such as: managing your time and finances, procrastination, communication, assertion, learning to say “no”, and sleep.
The Reduce discussion is not a mini discussion – please remember to be detailed and specific in your post.
You also want to make plans which are not “defensive”, but are “proactive”.
Defensive means that you feel stressed and then try to cope in that moment (which might be too late).
A proactive approach is an approach that keeps your body in a calmer state more often, so that when a stressor occurs you are already in a strong place to cope.
Example of defensive and non-specific approach to coping: “When I feel stressed out from work I will go exercise.” With this defensive approach you are already very stressed and have to calm down from a highly stressful place. And, what type of exercise? When after work? Is this realistic? Will you be too tired? Plan this ahead of time, otherwise it will be difficult to see results or follow through on your plans and goals.
Example of a more proactive and routine approach to coping: “I will run or walk at the gym for 30 minutes, every M, W, F from 9:00-9:30, then I will work-out with weights for 20 minutes from 9:30-9:50.” With a similar approach the body is producing stress-reduction chemicals, you will feel a greater overall sense of mental well-being, and thus you will be better prepared to cope when a stressful situation arises.
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