Exercise 1 and 7

Read chapters 8 and 11. Focus on one-way and two-way ANOVAs in chapter 8 and, in chapter 11, on the general model of regression, use with multiple regressions, the coefficient of determination, or r2, and the use of Excel in regression analysis.

Broyles Textbook Exercise 1
1) Use Excel to complete “Exercise 1” on page 247 (Regression Analysis) in the textbook.
2) Answer the questions at the end of the exercise.
1. Use the “Regression” function in Excel and the data presented in Exercise 2 of Chapter 9 to estimate the linear relation between the number of visits and the age of the patient. Examine the results of the analysis by
1. Interpreting the coefficient of determination
2. Interpreting the square root of the coefficient of determination
3. Interpreting findings presented in the ANOVA table
4. Determining whether the intercept and slope of the sample regression line are significant
In your evaluation, let α= 0.05.
EXERCISE 2 Chapter 9:
2. Suppose that we are interested in the relationship between the age of the individuals who are members of our managed-care organization and the use of physician care, as measured by visits. Suppose also that after selecting 15 members at random we obtained the following paired observations:
Visits: 3 5 4 2 1 3 6 7 4 5 10 1 2 3 8
Age 28 45 50 19 16 27 54 63 32
42 68 19 23 30 61
Use these data to find the co variance between age and the number of visits.

Broyles Textbook Exercise 7
(Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): A method of assessing the difference among three
or more means. ANOVA partitions the total variability shown by the data into
components that are attributable to different sources of variation. The ANOVA
table lists the sources of variation, the sum of squares for each, the related degrees
of freedom, the corresponding mean square or variance, and values of F. In this
text, the F ratio is used to determine whether the treatment, block, or interactive
effects are significant or attributable to chance.)
1) Use Excel to complete “Exercise 7” on page 208 (ANOVA) in the textbook.
2) Answer the questions at the end of the exercise.
Exercise (7.) A large health maintenance organization is interested in the prescribing patterns of physicians.
Suppose that we selected a random sample of three patients treated for four diagnoses by three physicians.

Diagnosis A B C
1 11,7,9 8,6,7 5,4,7
2 14,10,11 10,9,8 6,8,7
3 4,5,3 5,5,6 3,4,2
4 10,9,7 6,7,4 5,6,3
If α= 0.05, determine whether differences among the treatment, block, and interactive effects are significant.

Resource chapter 8 and 11
Broyles, R. 2009 Textbook: Fundamentals of statistics in health administration
If you need three resources


Fundamentals of statistics in health administration&  (lecture notice 6)


Read chapters 8 and 11. Focus on one-way and two-way ANOVAs in chapter 8 and, in chapter 11, on the general model of regression, use with multiple regressions, the coefficient of determination, or r2, and the use of Excel in regression analysis.


Broyles Textbook Exercise 1

1) Use Excel to complete “Exercise 1” on page 247 (Regression Analysis) in the textbook.

2) Answer the questions at the end of the exercise.

  1. Use the “Regression” function inExcel and the data presented inExercise 2 of Chapter 9 to estimate the linear relation between the number of visits and the age of the patient. Examine the results of the analysis by
  2. Interpreting the coefficient of determination
  3. Interpreting the square root of the coefficient of determination
  4. Interpreting findings presented in the ANOVA table
  5. Determining whether the intercept and slope of the sample regression line are significant

In your evaluation, let α= 0.05.

EXERCISE 2 Chapter 9:

  1. Suppose that we are interested in the relationship between the age-of the individuals who are members of our managed-care organization and the use of physician care, as measured by visits. Suppose also that after selecting members at random we obtained the following paired observations:

Visits: 3 5 4 2 1 3 6 7 4 5 10 1 2 3 8

Age 28 45 50 19 16 27 54 63 32

42 68 19 23 30 61

Use these data to find the co variance between age and the number of visits.


Broyles Textbook Exercise 7

(Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): A method of assessing the difference among three

or more means. ANOVA partitions the total variability shown by the data into

components that are attributable to different sources of variation. The ANOVA

table lists the sources of variation, the sum of squares for each, the related degrees

of freedom, the corresponding mean square or variance, and values of F. In this

text, the F ratio is used to determine whether the treatment, block, or interactive

effects are significant or attributable to chance.)


1) Use Excel to complete “Exercise 7” on page 208 (ANOVA) in the textbook.

2) Answer the questions at the end of the exercise.

  1. A large health maintenance organizations interested in the prescribing patterns of physicians.

Suppose that we selected a random sample of three patients treated for four diagnoses by three physicians.



Diagnosis               A                  B        C

1                              11,7,9     8,6,7 5,4,7

2                              14,10,1110,9,8 6,8,7

3                              4,5,3       5,5,6 3,4,2

4                              10,9,7     6,7,4 5,6,3

If α=0.05, determine whether differences among the treatment,block, and interactive effects are significant.

1) Use “Roddy and Ganz Worksheets” to complete an assessment of the research studies: “Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines: A New System to Better Determine True Strength of Recommendation” by Roddy et al., and “ICU Nurses’ Oral-Care Practices and the Current Best Evidence” by Ganz et al.

2) In a paper analyze and support whether you believe that the changes recommended are statistically valid and sound enough to make practice changes in a hospital.


Fundamentals of statistics in health administration

Read chapters 8 and 11. Focus on one-way and two-way ANOVAs in chapter 8 and, in chapter 11, on the general model of regression, use with multiple regressions, the coefficient of determination, or r2, and the use of Excel in regression analysis.

Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines: A New System to Better Determine True Strength of Recommendation

Read “Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines: A New System to Better Determine True Strength of Recommendation” by Roddy et al. from the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (2006).

(Focus on how they used an ANOVA to evaluate the strength of recommendations (SOR).

ICU Nurses’ Oral Care Practices and Current Best Evidence:

Read “ICU Nurses’ Oral Care Practices and Current Best Evidence” by DeKeyser Ganz, Farkash Fink, Raanan, & Asher from the Journal of Nursing Scholarship (2009).

(Focus on how they used an ANOVA to answer their research question.)



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