Discuss the fundamental advantages that the commercial forensic packages offered to forensic investigators.
Discussion 1
“Digital Forensics” Please respond to the following:

From the first e-Activity, discuss the fundamental advantages that the commercial forensic packages offered to forensic investigators. Next, speculate on whether there is an overall disadvantage(s) to using commercial packages in digital forensics. Justify your response.
From the second e-Activity, discuss the key process that a forensic analyst could use in order to preserve the verifiable integrity of digital evidence. Next, identify the main tools or technologies that the forensic analyst could use in order to ensure that the original evidence is unmodified.

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Alecia Giles
RE: Week 9 Discussion

The major advantage of commercial forensic packages are dedicated technical support and admissibility in court. The computer forensic field is somehow new, so the dedicated technical programs are created costs of an to be used by law enforcement to extract digital evidence, the information would be admissible in court. Disadvantages may include a high initial cost for the package and continued costs of annual licensing and maintenance.
The key process that a forensic analyst could use in order to preserve the verifiable integrity of digital evidence begins with written documentation of the steps to properly mantain securiy, for example chain of custody. Next, the analyst can create redundant physical copies or duplicates kept in an alternative place to avoid loss of evidence the case of a disaster. The analyst could use physical security to prevent the evidence from being modified and stopping unauthorized access to data or the loss of data.

Discussion 2

“Drug Abuse and Terrorism” Please respond to the following:
From the e-Activity, specify the fundamental advantages and disadvantages of using marijuana to treat medical illness. Next, take a position on whether or not health care organizations should use marijuana to treat medical illness. Provide a rationale to support your response.
Discuss three (3) ways in which terrorists obtain financial backing to support their terrorist activities. Next, suggest one (1) tactic that local law enforcement agencies could take in order to prevent terrorist financing overall. Provide rationale to support your response.
Please also reply to the student

Sheryl Jones



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