Discuss the methodological issues and challenges that are unique to psychological research investigating effective treatments for psychological disorders.

Read the following articles, which can be accessed through the ProQuest database in the Ashford University Library:

Evidence-based practice in psychology: Implications for research and research training.
Practice-based evidence: Back to the future.
Psychological treatments: Putting evidence into practice and practice into evidence.
Write a three- to four-page article review in which you discuss methodological issues unique to psychological research and analyze basic applied psychological research relevant to the treatment of mental disorders. In your paper, you will discuss the topics of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence and their roles in providing practitioners useful information for making decisions about appropriate mental health treatments.

In the body of your paper:

Discuss the methodological issues and challenges that are unique to psychological research investigating effective treatments for psychological disorders.
Explain the concepts of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence and identify controversies associated with these concepts.
Select one treatment modality associated with a disorder in the DSM-5 and present at least one example of pertinent, applied psychological research investigating the efficacy of the treatment modality. Discuss the findings of the research. Locate at least one peer-reviewed article that contains a research study on a treatment modality to fulfill this requirement. You may not use any of the course materials.
Take the point of view of Bauer (2007) to analyze the article(s) you selected in #3. Using this author’s arguments from his Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology: Implications for Research and Research Training article, what would be his evaluation of the article(s) you selected?
Take the point of view of Brendtro, Mitchell, & Doncaster (2011) and analyze the article(s) you selected in #3. Using these authors’ arguments from their Practice-Based Evidence: Back to the Future article, what would be their evaluation of the article(s) you selected?
Discuss ways in which an evidence-based practice model might provide practitioners useful information for making decisions about the degree to which the treatment modality you selected in #3 is an appropriate treatment for the disorder you specified.
Conclude your paper with a discussi



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