Discussionsweek 1Marriage & Family Concerns (graded)Explain the concerns that someone might have when he or she is making choices to begin a relationship in a marriage and/or family life in our society.

Is any of this uneasiness partly due to problems in society? Explain why and how.This section lists options that can be used to view responses.Effect of War on Marriage (graded)How did World War II impact a family? Describe the changes in society and family life during that time in history and how the war affected a family. week 2Gender Roles (graded)Americans have become more liberal regarding gender roles in our society, and many of us do not name a specific role as a mans or womans job. Consider cultural messages, gender expectations, and gender roles in America, and name a gender role that has changed in our society. Give your opinion on this role and the changes that took place in society, the workplace, or the home environment. diss 2Intimate Relationships (graded)The text refers to Sternbergs theory of love and defines intimacy and how intimacy relates to different individuals. Review this theory on page 105 and give an example of what you consider to be an intimate relationship. This section lists options that can be used to view responses.week 3Relationship Commitments (graded)Why is it difficult for some people to make a commitment to a relationship? What would it take for a person to make a true commitment?The First Years of Marriage (graded)There tends to be a higher level of marital satisfaction during the first years of marriage. Reasons that may be a contributing factor to satisfaction might include similarities in a couple’s roles, tasks, and experiences. Later in a marriage, there seems to be a gradual decline. Explain one problem that could occur later in a marriage. Why does this happen in a marriage? Who or what might be the contributing factor to your example? This section lists options that can be used to view responses.week 4Parenting Classes (graded)Are you familiar with parenting classes? As a student in high school, did you have any type of parenting classes? Have you, a friend, or family member ever attended any parenting classes? Elaborate. Parenting Styles (graded)Review the different parenting styles in the text. With which parenting style are you familiar? Give an example of a situation, the discipline, and relate that event to a parenting style. week 5Work and Family Diversity (graded)Explain and give an example of role reversal in a family. What are the expectations of each gender? How does that change or shape the family? This section lists options that can be used to view responses.Family Friendly Workplace (graded)Do you consider your current or past workplace “family friendly?” For you, what key element makes a workplace “family friendly?”week 6Social Power (graded)If you saw an adult slapping a preschool child in a store that you were in, would you say anything? If so, who would you talk to and what would you say? Interview (graded)Ask a person if you could briefly interview him or her for a class assignment. Without disclosing names, explain the crisis and what transpired. There is no need to copy the questions.Interview Questions: Please tell me about a crisis that occurred in your family.How long ago did that happen? T



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