Elaborate on the meaning of Tristana’s mutilated leg as a result of cancer.Write three essays by choosing one question from groups A, B, and C. Each essay has to have a minimum of two pages each, preferably longer, Times New Roman/12, 22 lines per page.
Fall 2016

Write three essays by choosing one question from groups A, B, and C. Each essay has to have a minimum of two pages each, preferably longer, Times New Roman/12, 22 lines per page. Please, do not include the language of the question/prompt in your answer. Simply write Group A (3) or Group B (2), etc. Midterm essays are due no later than Thursday, October 27.

Group A

Elaborate on the meaning of Tristana’s mutilated leg as a result of cancer. Although the stump/artificial leg may be viewed as a critique of a castrating traditional society, it also allows for other possible interpretations including the subversion of Spanish traditional society. Please, write an essay on the significance of the stump/artificial leg in the development of the film narrative.

At one point in Tristana, Don Lope claims that he and Tristana are happy because they respect each other’s freedom. Given what we know about Don Lope, his notion of freedom is very perverse and disturbing indeed, since Don Lope in his actions reproduces traditional oppressive gender stereotypes. Explain

Tristana is a film about Tristana’s empowerment and, at the same time, it is also about Don Lope’s disempowerment. Please, focus on signs that show Tristana’s progressive empowerment, as well as on the signs that show Don Lope’s progressive emasculation at the hands of Tristana.

In Ay, Carmela!, Carmela’s character is that of an independent and possibly reckless woman. Her loyalties are with the Republicans; she even criticizes the fascists during the final performance of “Variedades a lo fino.” On the other hand, Paulino’s behavior contrasts with Carmela’s behavior. He seems to capitulate to the enemy, and is willing to collaborate with them in order to save his skin. It seems as if his only objective is survival: ideals become secondary to him. It can be said that he sells his soul and with his actions seems to support the advancement of the cause of the Nationalists. Examine the development of the two characters in the film through references to their actions and words in it, and indicate whether you support or not my previous statements.

The last skit of Ay, Carmela!, “The Republic Goes to the Doctor”, ischarged with much symbolism and ideology. The bodies of Carmela,Paulino and Gustavete are inscribed with qualities and traits associated with illness, as far as Nationalist/fascist ideology is concerned (Gustavete is a Russian communist, Paulino is a gay doctor and Carmela suffers from sexual excitement, which makes her a promiscuous woman, and intoxication). Through this particular skit, the film evidences the repressive mechanisms towards the Other (Republicans) that the group in power (Nationalists) imposes on the losers (Republicans), who are represented in this case by illness. Thus, the film can be viewed as a condemnation of the violence that is inherent in ideological normalization, which is inclined to represent the other as sick. Please, elaborate



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