Explain the physiologic process, common medical treatment, and principles of nursing management for children with immune deficiencies seen in the pediatric intensive care unit.

I am a nursing student in West Virginia. In this order you will be writing about my experience to PICU (pediatric intensive care unit). I uploaded some reading for this order.
The writer supposed to read the reading that I posted with attachment file Wong pp’s: 574-587, 698-703, 733-742, 747-763. The writer can’t use other reference. The reference that I want the writer to use Hockenberry, M.J., Wilson, D., Winkelstein, M., Kline, N.E. (2015). Wongs nursing care of infants and children (10th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.
Instructions: 1) Perform an assessment on a pediatric client (I did head to toe assessment on two pediatric patients and patients vital signs were okay, patient have peripheral IV and G tube placed)
2) Explain the physiologic process, common medical treatment, and principles of nursing management for children with immune deficiencies seen in the pediatric intensive care unit. 3) Identify the ethical nursing dilemmas encountered in the care of the care of the critically ill patient.
4) Briefly describe learning activities experienced in PICU. Basically you will be briefly describing my learning activities experienced in PICU. Instructions 1 to 3 are the main objectives for this PICU rotation. let me tell you what I did in PICU. I got to took care of one infant under supervision of the nurse. My patient had microcephaly and patient was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and acute respiratory distress. Patient had seizure before she come in to the hospital and also had diarrhea. Patient is a 12 months old female and is in isolation room because of C. Diff. Patient is using Bipap machine for breathing. Patient is in NPO and they have been giving her with Dextrose with normal saline and potassium. I got to observe nurse administered medications. You can expand what I said here and put it in a paragraph nicely. Let me know if you have question.



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