Explain whether or not the government should extend the same civil rights to terrorism suspects that American citizens enjoy.
“Should Terrorists Have Legal Protection?” Please respond to the following:

Based on the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following:
Explain whether or not the government should extend the same civil rights to terrorism suspects that American citizens enjoy. Provide support for your argument with specific examples of civil rights and liberties.

“Is Your Employer Doing Enough?” Please respond to the following:

Based on the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following:
Identify at least two strategies that your current or past employer uses in order to protect the civil rights and liberties of its workers. Provide a rationale for your response.

Week 3-disussion

“Is Federalism Necessary?” Please respond to the following:

Based on the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following:
Discuss at least two effects on U.S. citizens that stem from the division of power between the federal and state governments.


Week1 discussion

“Adjustment According to the Ecological Theory” Please respond to the following:

(1) situation in your life from the past several years that required adjustment according to the Ecological theory. Discuss one to two (1-2) examples from your situation that apply to each of Bronfenbrenner’s five (5) environmental systems: microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem

Week 2

“Increasing Self-Esteem” Please respond to the following:

choose two (2) of the six (6) strategies for increasing self-esteem as described in the textbook. Next, describe one (1) situation in which you used the two (2) strategies that you chose and determine if the two (2) strategies used were successful. Justify your response.

Week 3

“Stress In Your Life” Please respond to the following:

Select one (1) stressful event in your life. From the e-Activity, discuss how psychosocial stressors related to this event can interact with your behavioral risk factors and how this, in turn, can lead to chronic health problems. Note: Discussion responses may include information from your personal life, discussion about your friends’ or family members’ lives, or examples from life in general. You are not required to solely use personal examples if you are not comfortable doing so.

Note: Discussion responses may include information from your personal life, discussion about your friends’ or family members’ lives, or examples from life in general. You are not required to solely use personal examples if you are not comfortable doing so.

answer questions as least 60 words



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