Identify a risk factor from each category and cite evidence that will show correlations between the risk factors and behaviors.
Assignment 1: Risk Factors and Risk Assessment. By Saturday Dec. 31, 2016

The course textbook classifies risk factors into three categories: social, familial, and psychological.
Identify a risk factor from each category and cite evidence that will show correlations between the risk factors and behaviors. Offer your opinion on which risk factors you feel can be most readily remedied using prevention strategies. What strategies would you recommend?
Provide at least one current example of a prevention strategy designed to mitigate the effects of a risk factor.
Post your responses in a minimum of 400 words.
Assignment 2: Select a Specific Criminal Behavior. Need it by Saturday Dec. 31, 2016
The goal of this course is to create a prevention plan for a specific criminal behavior. Throughout the course, you will complete interrelated assignments in each module that build toward the LASA assignment, a prevention plan.
The first step toward this end is to identify a specific criminal behavior for which you will develop a prevention program. The first chapter of the textbook describes a variety of criminal behavior problems, such as status crimes, juvenile offenders, and drug abuse.
Once you select the criminal behavior, you should do a preliminary literature search to ensure that you will have ready access to scholarly resources.
Create a 2- to 3-page paper describing your selected criminal behavior. You must consider the following when creating your paper:
Describe the criminal behavior in detail, including any research you have found on the origins or development of this behavior (in approximately 1 page).
Discuss the specific target area you want to address in the problem (in approximately 1 paragraph).
Describe the specific group you want to focus on from among those affected by the criminal problem, i.e., juveniles, women, etc.
Describe the possible prevention and intervention ideas (in approximately 1 page).
Discuss research support for the effectiveness of your proposed prevention or intervention ideas (in approximately 2–3 paragraphs).
For example, suppose you pick juvenile sex offenders and want to develop a prevention program for adolescent sex offenders. Specifically, you want to target risk factors associated with that population.
Support your assumptions by citing reputable source material used for this assignment in APA format.
Assignment 3: Causes of Delinquent Behavior. By Wednesday Jan. 4, 2017

Natalie was growing concerned about her daughter Brandi’s school performance. Brandi’s grades had dropped since the beginning of the school year, and she seemed reluctant to go to school. On some days, she complained of vague symptoms, such as a stomachache or a headache. On other days, she simply did not get out of bed. Natalie took her to the doctor, but there was no definitive diagnosis. She questioned Brandi about any problems at school, but Brandi was uncommonly quiet. Natalie then looked at Brandi’s Facebook page and saw a series of comments from Brandi’s friends about a school bully. When Natalie confronted Brandi, the child broke down crying and told the whole story. Another girl, who was two years ahead of her in school, was bullying her. She would tease Brandi in school and leave nasty messages on her Facebook page and had even threatened her on several occasions.
Natalie was furious and immediately arranged a meeting with the teacher and the school principal. The school officials attempted to address the problem by speaking to the girl and her parents. The parents placed their daughter in treatment; she was diagnosed with a behavior disorder and put on medication, which seemed to work. Both the girl’s parents and the school officials explained to Natalie that the girl had an underlying medical condition that caused her to become angry and lack impulse control.



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