Identify and address ethical issues relevant to a study and an ethics application.
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School of Nursing and Midwifery

Subject Outline

CHIP915 Essential Skills for Health Researchers – Autumn 2014

Section A: Subject Information

Credit Points: 6

Delivery Method: Flexible/Distance

Campus Locations: Wollongong

Pre-requisite(s): Nil

Co-requisite(s): Nil

Subject Contacts

Subject Coordinator/Lecturer

Name: Dr Sharon Bourgeois

Location: School of Nursing and Midwifery, Building 41, Room 111

Consultation mode and times: Availability is posted on the Moodle site

Telephone: 61 2 4221 5094


eLearning Space

This subject has materials and activities available via eLearning. To access eLearning you must have

a UOW user account name and password, and be enrolled in the subject. eLearning is accessed via

SOLS (student online services). Log on to SOLS and then click on the eLearning link in the menu


For information regarding the eLearning spaces please use the following link:

Moodle –

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this subject, students should be able to:

(a) Critically discuss concepts, processes and designs for research

(b) Critically analyse and integrate the literature relevant to a study;

(c) Formulate a researchable question

(d) Compare and contrast strengths and limitations of various research designs

(e) Identify and address ethical issues relevant to a study and an ethics application

(f) Interpret study results within the context of the research approach used and the existing body of

knowledge relevant to the study

(g) Develop a research proposal that reflects the principles of research.

Graduate Qualities

The University of Wollongong has developed five graduate qualities

( which it considers express valuable qualities that

are essential for UOW graduates in gaining employment and making an important contribution to

society and their chosen field. Student development of the following graduate qualities in particular

will be enhanced by their participation in this subject:

1. Informed: Have a sound knowledge of an area of study or profession and understand its

current issues, locally and internationally. Know how to apply this knowledge. Understand

how an area of study has developed and how it relates to other areas.

2. Independent learners: Engage with new ideas and ways of thinking and critically analyse

issues. Seek to extend knowledge through ongoing research, enquiry and reflection. Find and

evaluate information, using a variety of sources and technologies. Acknowledge the work and

ideas of others.

3. Problem solvers: Take on challenges and opportunities. Apply creative, logical and critical

thinking skills to respond effectively. Make and implement decisions. Be flexible, thorough,

innovative and aim for high standards.

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4. Effective communicators: Articulate ideas and convey them effectively using a range of

media. Work collaboratively and engage with people in different settings. Recognise how

culture can shape communication.

5. Responsible: Understand how decisions can affect others and make ethically informed

choices. Appreciate and respect diversity. Act with integrity as part of local, national, global

and professional communities.

Mandatory Minimum Attendance Requirements

Distance delivery: It is expected that students will allocate 12 hours per week to this subject to

complete the study guide requirements, complete your assignments and prepare for an examination

where applicable.



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