Innovation in nursing aims to create and shape the future of the nursing profession to prepare nurses to changing yet challenging environments and practices.

Action Learning using simulation is one such innovative strategy involving the replication of reality to draw on reflection. The purpose of this innovation is aimed to review the utilization of reflection using Action Learning (AL) and simulation involving the workplace team based on an experiential learning framework post analysis of the learners learning styles.

Kolb (1984) describes experiential learning as the process where knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. It offers the learner a hands-on experience to a collaborative and reflective learning event whilst new knowledge and skills are developed (Haynes 2007). As the learner creates thought into new ideas through reflection this new idea will be tested in the new setting resulting in the learner making new decisions leading to new actions being applied improving their practices.

McGill and Beaty (2001) further elaborate on Kolbs learning cycle stating that it is the reflection on an experience which is crucial to apply to new situations with Rogers (2002 p849) describing reflection as increasing critical thinking skills which will in turn effect future actions and learning in the workplace resulting in advanced professional practices. This reiterates our purpose of reflection using an AL approach as reflections should inspire improved future actions.

Honey and Mumfords (1986) experiential learning pathway further collaborates the use of simulation addresses all four learning styles thus proving its appropriateness in this AL project through the utilisation of reflection especially during the debriefing stages. The Activist will perform tasks enduring an experience Concrete Experience; The reflector observes and reflects -Reflective Observation; Theorists aim to comprehend underpinning rationales concepts and meaning Abstract conceptualisation; whilst pragmatists are proactive in having a go being experiential Active Experimentation. This validates our purpose using an experiential learning approach for an AL within a simulated environment allowing learners to attempt skills understand concepts whilst reflecting on practices in a safe creative environment.

Musolino & Mostrom (2005 p63) assert the need for health care workers to continue to reflect upon how to resolve specific issues in order to perform competent practices thus exposure to past experiences is pertinent in shaping the creation of new actions.

AL is Learning from concrete experience and critical reflection on the experience through group discussion trial and error discovery and learning from and with each other (Zuber-Skerritt 2002 p.114-115). Lifelong learning promotes a connection between reflection and action attempting to learn from experiences relating to real work issues. Staff through AL will reflect on the simulated scenarios in this task to implement reflection from experiences to endorse group feedback to plan the next action collaboratively.

Simulation is techniques used to represent nursing processes and actions in an educational context (Schiavenato 2009 p. 389). Re-enacting the role of the nurse or even a patient in a simulation setting may allow for complex procedural skills or intrapersonal skills to be demonstrated and reflected upon. Whilst it facilitates a re-enactment of crucial aspects within the workplace it allows the learners to evaluate different methods assess different approaches experience range of outcomes and develop underpinning key issues observed to implement in the next action encountered.



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