It’s not always easy to achieve due to the complexities that are associated with it. First there are a lot of disagreements in palliative care field in the definition of suffering. also the entire family (Searight& Gafford, 2005).

The suffering of the family members has a potential of aggravating the suffering of the patient. In the case that will be discussed in this essay, there is cultural conflict with the management of a patient with terminal cancer. Relatives want to manage their patient at home using alternative or complimentary medicine instead of using the mainstream medical practices.

Enhanced cultural competency continuespatients’ behaviors, preferences, attitudes and decisions around the end of life care (Kwak& Haley, 2005).s that, he or she maintains beliefs that are associated with that culture or ethnicity. In addition, an assessment is necessary to determine acculturation of the affected person. Healthcare providers should be aware of the overall cultural values and examine how the pertinent themes affect the provision of quality care to the patient (Cerimagic, 2013). Remember that there exist a lot of diversity between

Emotional problems and psychological problems become evident as the patient confront the palliative phase of an illness and the certain impending death. Palliative care goes beyond the management of the symptoms but also tries to address the psychological stress that is impacted to the patient and the family members (Searight& Gafford, 2005). tress to the involved caregiver (Kwak & Haley, 2005).Appropriatebereavement period.

In the presented case, Ella who is the patient suffering from end stages of cancer does not want to stay in hospital and follow the mainstream medical practices. She wants to be cared from home using alternative and complimentary medications. She has been using these complimentary medicationshusband also wants her to be treated at home using the complimentary medications as this is their cultural belief (Hopp& Duffy, 2000). This belief has a likelihood of causing conflict between the family and the health care workers because they believe that alternative and complimentary medicines are not the best options for a terminally ill patient. Ella and some of her family members, on the other hand, have a cultural belief that alternative medication can work. This belief will obvious pose a challenge in the palliative management of Ella.

The family members are divided. Some believe that alternative medication is better than mainstream medication practices. There are still some who believe that the hospital or modern treatment is the best to care for Ella’s condition. Manny, who is Sarah’s father tell them that they are crazy because of supporting Ella’s choice of alternative medication. The healthcare workers, on the other hand, are coercing her to follow the mainstream medical practices (Searight& Gafford, 2005). The disagreements cause dissatisfactions among the family members who feel that their beliefs are not respected.

The biological basis for care of the Miller family is not accommodative and can lead to deterioration of the health of the whole family. The choice of using alternative and complimentary medication as the biological basis for care is not the best option in a world full of complicated diseases (Kwak & Haley, 2005).The current complex diseases require the use of the modern technology for their management.Miller’s family members have various disease conditions. For example, Ella’sSon Sam is an alcoholic, daughter Lila is diabetic and Grandson Josh is starting to have drug problems. Others are suffering from stress, bipolar, leukemia and HIV. These diseases require mainstream medical practices for their management. Sarah’s father tells

There is significance macro influences on Ella’s medical condition and prognosis. The cultural believes that Ella and some of her family members have are community-based. The traditions and norms belong to the culture of that community (Searight& Gafford, 2005). Ella’scommunity believes in alternative and complementary medicine, and this has negatively affected her medical condition and prognosis. The mezzo influences include the health beliefs of Ella’sneighborhood. The cultural beliefs and norms of the immediate community members surrounding Ella’s family. Their beliefs affect the belief of Ella and that why she prefers alternative medication.These beliefs also affect her health negatively.



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