How might social norms affect the expression of prejudice in children and adults?


critical review guided questions (social)

Order Description

PL2D101: Understanding & Researching Psychology: Developmental, Social and Individual Difference Perspectives
Critical Review – Social Psychology
Guided Questions: DaFranca and Monteiro (2013)
1) According to the authors, what is already known about prejudice in children & young people? Include a definition of the Aversive Racism Theory as part of your answer. (150 words)
2) How might social norms affect the expression of prejudice in children and adults? (300 words; hint you will probably need to read around the topic to answer this question effectively)
3) For study 1: Describe the measures used for reward allocation. How suitable were these for assessing the research aims and for the sample used? (100 words)
4) For study 1: What did the authors do to ensure consistency in stimulus photographs? What, if anything, should the authors have done differently and why? (100 words)
5) Complete the following table using the results for study 1 on pages 266 and the graphs on page 267 (approx 200 words):
What effect did target performance have on reward allocation? Include a verbal description of the findings and report the relevant statistics to support your answer.
What, if any, significant main effects were seen in the development of aversive racism? Explain any effects that are present and include statistics to show significant and non-significant main effects.
How do the authors test the significant three-way interaction and what does it show?

6) According to the authors, how will study 2 extend the findings or improve the methods of the first study? Do you think they are correct and why/why not? (100 words)
7) What similarities and differences are there between the results of study 2 and those of study 1? (approx 200 words)
8) What practical/real-world implications do the results of this research have? (approx 200 words)
9) If you could carry out one study to extend this research what research questions would you ask? How would you do it and why? (approx 200 words)

European Journal of Social Psychology, Eur. J. Soc. Psychol. 43, 263–271 (2013) Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.1965
Special issue article
Social norms and the expression of prejudice: The development of aversive racism in childhood
1 2
Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil; CIS-ISCTE, Lisbon University Institute, Portugal
In Study 1, 82 White children aged 5–10years allocated rewards to White and Black target children in justified/unjustified normative contexts according to their performance on a previous task. In Study 2, 71 White children aged 5–10years allocated resources to White and Black target children in conditions of high (interviewer was present) or low (interviewer was absent) salience of the anti-racism norm. In both studies, younger children displayed intergroup biased racial behaviours in most conditions, whereas older children, as expected, only displayed similar egalitarian behaviours in contexts where an anti-racism normative pressure was not salient. Results of both experimental studies highlighted the interplay between child development, the anti-prejudice norm and context factors. Furthermore, they support the assumptions of the theory of aversive racism regarding the use of legitimizing justifications to account for racial biased behaviours and extend its scope to a better understanding of the development of racial prejudice in childhood. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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