Objective: The goal of the assignment is to have you apply your knowledge of the food supply chain to a real life activity that a consultant to the CEO of a fast food chain might have to evaluate.

The relevant real life activity is to: 1) describe the obesity crisis in the world, U.S. and then Michigan; 2) document the problems it presents to society in terms of healthcare costs, economic costs and the firms profits; and 3) describe and analyze the effectiveness of actions already taken by the fast food chain to address the obesity problem, as well as develop a comprehensive plan on how your chosen fast food chain can further help solve the problem. This activity requires the formulation of a relevant problem statement, the collection and analysis of information, and the articulation of recommendations.

Select a fast food chain that you wish to represent. It may be the same as that chosen by someone else in the class, but the research and the recommendations should be independent of others’.

Write this paper as if you are the Fast Food Consultant Team and that your analysis and recommendations will be presented to a Fast Food Chain CEO.

The paper should have the following sections

1. Cover Page – should include a title, the fast food restaurant chain’s name, and your name if completed individually, or the names of each of the two team members if completed as a team.
2. Introduction – should include an overview of the obesity problem globally, the U.S. and in Michigan. Identify the fast food restaurant chain you are consulting and describe its motive for addressing obesity. In this, you should be complete in your description and should relate it to the chain’s stated mission and objectives. If you want to focus on a particular region in Michigan for the analysis, it may be helpful to your arguments. Close the introduction with a statement of the problem. (this should be no longer than 2 pages) (10 points)
3. Existing Research and Interventions – do a detailed analysis of existing research on the primary and secondary causes of obesity. Include information on the trends, reasons why obesity has grown and current attempts by governments, non-government organizations (NGOs) and the private industry to address this growing problem. Identify what has worked and what has not, and keep in mind this may differ by age. Use charts and tables where appropriate. This will require reviewing research and findings beyond those reported in popular media outlets. Use Google Scholar and/or the MSU Library Advanced Search, selecting “Scholarly materials, including peer-reviewed.” Scholarly references include text books and peer-reviewed journal articles. Do not use bulleted lists of research, but rather develop arguments for your recommendations below. (10 points) (You should have a minimum of 15 scholarly or peer reviewed articles references for this section)
4. Analysis & Recommendations – describe which actions the fast food company has taken thus far to solve the obesity problem. Discuss the effectiveness of the company’s actions in curbing the obesity problem and, if necessary, discuss alternatives you feel would have been more effective. Further, develop a comprehensive plan for the specific fast food chain, detailing which future actions they should take to solve the obesity problem. Be sure to show how your recommendation solves the problem(s). Specifically, how will your solution address the social, economic development, health, and any other relevant problems? Be sure to consider how your recommendations will impact the finances and sales of the restaurant chain and restaurants as well as, how the recommendation will impact the marketing effort of the chain. Remember, you are team is the hired consultant and you will be giving your results to a CEO of the fast food chain. The idea is to convince them to help solve the problem (this section should be no longer than 4 pages). It is okay to use bullets in this section. (20 points)



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