Peer review

1. Any academic paper should have a THESIS behind it…a PURPOSE behind its discussion of the topic. Whether it is directly stated, or strongly implied, does this paper you are reviewing seem to have a thesis? What is its thesis, if it does? If it does not have a clear thesis, what might the reader make into the paper’s thesis? Remember, a thesis is something arguable, NOT A STATEMENT OF FACT OR COMMON KNOWLEDGE. For example, a thesis cannot be “Smartphones and social media take up a lot of our time and attention and can be a distraction.” That is a factual statement! A thesis is something that can be debated and contested and argued.

2. I am BIG on papers being very detailed and specific. That is why you did that descriptive details assignment a couple weeks back. Does the draft you are reading seem to have enough specific, concrete detail in it so that you the reader can “see” the places, people, and situations clearly enough? If so, what details most impressed you? If not, where would you like to be told more specific detail?

3. This essay should use quotes from the source readings in a significant, meaningful way, and incorporate those quotes smoothly. Comment on the paper’s use of material from the readings. Is the use adequate? Would you like more material from the readings to make things more “official” feeling? Does the paper rely TOO much on quotes? Are quotes smoothly incorporated into the text?

4. What is your sense of the paper’s grammatical correctness and flow? Does this author need more attention on grammatical issues? Or does it flow clearly and smoothly?

5. What is the best, strongest, most impressive aspect of this paper, and why do you feel that way?

6. DO NOT WIMP OUT ON THIS QUESTION, EVERYONE!!! If you were to give this author one single piece of advice to improve this paper, what would it be? (DO NOT PUT SOMETHING LIKE “IT’S GREAT AS IS.”!)

7. Ask the author of this paper any two questions. These can be anything having to do with the paper itself, the experiences discussed within it, etc. Just give two questions that the paper inspired.



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