

  1. Plato holds the seemingly strange position that injustice is a disease.
  2. Plato claims that it is better to be just and appear to be unjust, than to be unjust and appear to be just. This appears to be counter-intuitive.  How does he try to convince his audience of this?
  3. Aristotle can be seen as offering a teleological analysis of human nature.
  4. Is Augustine a Platonist?
  5. Plato has no concept of sin, whereas sin is central to Augustine’s philosophy. What difference does this make to their respective theories of human nature and the prospect for living a harmonious life?
  6. Hobbes’ theory of human nature can be seen as a rejection of the classical theory of human nature found in Plato, Aristotle, and St. Augustine.
  7. Hobbes explicitly attacks Aristotle. What is it in Aristotle’s philosophy that Hobbes finds objectionable? What does Hobbes’ response show about his differences with Aristotle concerning human nature?
  8. Both Augustine and Hobbes believe that human beings are self-centered and covetous. Yet, Hobbes says “The desires, and other passions of man, are in themselves no sin,” while Augustine would find these passions and desires sinful.  What difference does the notion of sin make to their theories of the good life for human beings?
  9. Hobbes believes that selfishness leads to conflict in society, while Adam Smith believes that selfishness leads to cooperation in society. How do they come to such different conclusions?
  10. Rousseau sees human beings as naturally good, while Augustine sees human beings as naturally sinful. How do they come to such different conclusions, and what effect does this have on each of their understandings of human beings in society?
  11. Rousseau and Hobbes have differing concepts of the state of nature which lead them to differing analyses of the origins of conflict in society and the possibility for cooperation in society.
  12. Rousseau believes that the division of labor has corrupted people, while Adam Smith believes that the division of labor is good for human beings. What accounts for their differing evaluations?



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