Please note that the following order contains 7 separate papers that are all dependent on
one another.A. Describe the process you used to select your research topic in your problem, search, and
evaluation task.

Each of the following 7 tasks must be completed independently with each paper meeting
defined length and having their own title page and reference page.

I’ve submitted all 7 tasks to be completed as one order so the finished papers would flow
naturally and the style and themes would be interwoven.

Hope the following helps clarify the requirements of this order.

Please note the total number of pages (40) ordered are broken down into the following

RET1 – Issues in Research Fundamentals (Tasks 1, 2, and 3)

Task 1. Topic Selection Reflection: 5 pages

Task 2: Literature Review Reflection: 5 pages

Task 3: Research Paradigms/ Research Design
• Part B: 4 pages
• Part C: 4 pages
• Part D: 4 pages

RPT1 Research Proposal (Tasks 4, 5, 6, and 7)
• Task 4: Participants & Instruments (Part A): 4 pages

• Task 5: Methodology_ Task 5 (Part B): 4 pages

• Task 6: Data Analysis_ Task 6 (Part C): 4 pages

• Task 7: Complete Research Proposal

A. Abstract (approximately 120 words in length)

B. Table of contents

C. Introduction (suggested length of 3 paragraphs)

D. Previously Evaluated Components: 4 pages

E. Conclusion, including a reflection statement about the process of creating this
research proposal (suggested length of 3 paragraphs).

RET1 – Issues in Research Fundamentals

Task 1. Topic Selection Reflection


Topic Selection – The graduate understands how to select appropriate research topics and
research paradigms.

Describe the process of selecting an appropriate research topic.


In the first task of the research fundamentals project you are asked to develop a research
topic and describe the problem.

After you have completed that task, reflect on the process of selecting your topic.

Task 1: 5 pages in length.

Write an essay in which you:

A. Describe the process you used to select your research topic in your problem, search, and
evaluation task.

1. Describe what motivated you to select your topic. (Interest in community health nursing:
see attached papers for reference)

2. Describe what barriers you think you might encounter with your research topic.

3. Describe how your research topic will benefit your field.

B. Include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

RET1 Task 1 Grading Criteria-Topic Selection


Communication Holistic: The work is extremely clear and easy to understand.

Mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.): The work contains no readily detectable

Style: The writing style is characterized by highly varied sentence structure, vivid
vocabulary, and accurate word choice.

A1. Selection of Topic

The candidate provides a precise description of what motivations there were to select the
research topic.

A2. Barriers

The candidate provides a precise description of barriers that may be encountered with the
research topic.

A3. Benefit to the Field

The candidate provides a precise description of how the research topic will benefit the

B. Sources: The candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and/or references with no
readily detectable deviations from APA style.

Task 2. Literature Review Reflection (508.2.1-01, 02, 2.3-05)

Describe the purpose of conducting a literature review.

Discuss how conducting a literature review relates to other parts of the research plan.

Define how conducting a literature review can clarify the relationship between research and

Explain how resource availability and selection can limit the scope of a research topic.


After you have completed the full literature review task (RLT1 508.2.5-03-06, 08, 09), you
are prepared to write a reflection of your literature review experience.

Take a moment to think about the process of conducting a literature review, selecting
resources, and how the review will affect your next step in your research plan.

Task 2: 5 pages in length

Write an essay that reflects on your literature review process.

Address the following elements in the essay:

A. Describe the process you went through to select your research topic in your problem,
search, and evaluation RLT Task 1. (see attached documentation)

B. Discuss the purpose of conducting a literature review of your chosen research topic.

C. Discuss at least two specific examples of how the literature review affected different
components of your research proposal.

D. Explain how resource availability and selection limited the scope of your research

E. Discuss how performing a literature review affects your practice in a professional

F. Include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

RET1 Task 2 Grading Criteria Literature Review Reflection

Communication Holistic: The work is extremely clear and easy to understand.

Mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.): The work contains no readily detectable

Style: The writing style is characterized by highly varied sentence structure, vivid
vocabulary, and accurate word choice.

A. Process for Selecting Research Topic

The candidate provides a precise description of the process used to select the research

B. Purpose of Literature Review

The candidate provides a credible and well-supported discussion of the purpose of
conducting a literature review of the research topic.

C. Effect of Literature Review on Research Proposal

The candidate provides a logical discussion of more than 2 specific examples of how the
literature review affected different components of the research proposal.

D. Resource Availability and Selection

The candidate provides a credible and well-supported explanation of how resource
availability and selection limited the scope of the research topic.

E. Effect of Literature Review on Professional Practice

The candidate provides a credible and well-supported discussion of how performing a
literature review affects practice in a professional setting.

F. Sources: The candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and/or references with no
readily detectable deviations from APA style.



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