PowerPoint Presentation, Nursing Diabetes
Project description
Review the current literature, gather descriptive data, determine screening methodology, and develop a presentation (PowerPoint) on that condition
The disease is diabetes
Introduction Title the slides Introduction. Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Include identification, definition and description of the disease, incidence or prevalence. Use professional references for this, not the dictionary definition.
Summary of relevant evidence Summary of relevant evidence from review of literature including: signs and symptoms
established and suspected risk factors
current viewpoints about disease management
current literature on nursing interventions
Health assessment strategies Health Assessment Strategies including:
Expected normal findings
Expected abnormal findings
Description of assessment techniques
Screening guidelines Screening Guidelines
Current guidelines to screen populations and individuals (include source)
Implementation of guidelines into nursing practice
Prevention Strategies Primary and tertiary non-pharmacological prevention strategies:
Non drug measures to reduce incidence
Measures to deal with high-risk patients
Conclusion Conclusion should include the:
Importance of this disease — cost to society, morbidity and mortality, financial implications
Need for evidence in managing and preventing disease
Implications for nursing
References References: all information taken from another source, even if summarized, must be cited on the slide and listed in the Reference slide(s) using APA format
Use required the elements as slide titles. For example, use: Introduction. Summary of relevant evidence, Health assessment strategies, Screening guidelines, Prevention Strategies, Conclusion and References
5. Use visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of your report. You could use example graphs, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, animation, video clips, pictograms, tables, and charts. Many of the functions are supported in PowerPoint.
o You may not copy information, including pictures from the internet without the authors permission.
o You may use pictures from your online lecture and cite them to your textbook as they own the pictures. .
o You may also use materials, images, etc from the student Companion website at www.prenhall.com/damico
You must use at least three professional references. Do not use dictionaries, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, WebMD or other website intended for general public information. Sites like WebMD may, however, be listed as a resource for patient education.
4. Length of the presentation will vary depending on the complexity of the condition and the extent of the literature search (Maximum of 25 slides- not counting the Title and Reference slides). Title slide should include title of project, your name,school,course Faculty name and the date.