Psych Mental Health Nursing;QSEN Activity # 1 Focus: Teamwork and Collaboration.Objective: Students will analyze the importance of teamwork and collaboration using evidence based practice (Team STEPPS) in rendering patient centered care in a psychiatric mental health setting.

Interprofessional education. The importance of interprofessional collaboration the need for educating tomorrows professionals in this competency is tremendously important. Sometimes health care professionals are educated in professional silos although this is slowly changing. The IOM (2003) accelerated the pace of change when it declared that five competencies should be demonstrated by graduates of all health professions schools among them the ability to function effectively in interdisciplinary teams.
TeamSTEPPS is one of the methods that can be use to address QSEN Teamwork and collaboration. See discussion below.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) collaborated with the Department of Defense (DoD) to develop an initiative that stresses teamwork and communication among physicians nurses and other health care personnel to make the delivery of health care safer for all patients. Originally developed for work in the military the Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS[TM]) principles have been adapted for use in patient care to reduce clinical errors and improve patient outcomes and patient and staff satisfaction. The program has been successful in a variety of settings such as the emergency departments and labor and delivery. Four key skill areas form the basis for training: leadership situation monitoring mutual support and communication.
Prior to completing this QSEN activity in your clinical site please complete the following:
1. Review TeamSTEPPS principles (
2. Select one peer reviewed article that discusses information about interprofessional collaboration and/or TeamSTEPPS used in clinical setting. How does this article relate to psych mental health nursing?
1. Observe situations in your clinical site that can possibly incorporate TeamSTEPPS principles and skill area. (One thing that can incorporate TeeamSTEPPS would be the hospitals RN to RN handoff report. Currently handoff consists of a mixture of face to face and previously tape recorded shift report. Incorporation of 100% face to face shift report and using a standardized form when giving shift report may increase communication between nurses and decrease miscommunication and errors)



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