The McGill Model of Nursing is a theory that looks at the patient as a whole person and not just through the eyes of disease and sickness.

The McGill Model of Nursing is a theory that looks at the patient as a whole person and not just through the eyes of disease and sickness.This theory helps identify the patient with loving family members involved in the care as an individual person and as a person with desires and goals in life (Wright & Gross 2012).A study conducted on the end of life care on patients using the McGill Model focused the study on family members of dying patients and how the transition from palliative to hospice care affected them.Furthermore the study revealed the APNs transition with the family from having hope of saving the patient to finding peace in the dying patient (Wright & Gross 2012). The APN walks through this transition with the patient and family constantly observing the needs of the patient and family while making sure all the medical needs are meant as well.The Gestalt Theory is based on a persons perception of a situation or event.This theory focuses on an event that people experience together but how differently each person can perceive the event (Butts & Rich 2013 p 210).People tend to filter what they see and experience differently from one another much like when a family goes through the death of a loved one.Each family member shows different emotions or has different perspectives for example one person may be angry and resentful of the situation while another might be the one at peace with it (Shaha et el. 2011).Even though these two theories are unrelated they both can be utilized by the APN. The McGill Model looks at the patient and the family members involved in patients care as if they are all the same whereas the Gestalt Theory focuses on individuals perception of the same situation but appreciates the different views of each person.These theories demonstrate a holistic approach on caring for the patient and can provide more meaningful care when combined.(Butts J. B. & Rich K. L. (2013). Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice (2nd ed). Burlington MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.Shaha M. Cox C. L. Belcher A. & Cohen M. Z. (2011). Transitoriness: patients’ perception of life after a diagnosis of cancer: Maya Shaha and colleagues discuss the importance of understanding how people come to terms with the finality of life in the context of evidence-based care. Cancer Nursing Practice (4) 24.Wright D. K. & Gros C. P. (2012). Theory inspired practice for end-of-life cancer care: An exploration of the McGill Model of Nursing. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal 22(3) 175-181.



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