The vice president of nursing Dr. Sasha Mendez has had a lot of complaints from patients and their families about the difficulties they experience navigating the system at her organization; e.g. going from the E.R. to admissions.

Dr. Mendezs nursing specialty area is psych/mental health. As such she is very concerned about the stress this is causing the patients.
What are the macro systems that are affecting patient satisfaction at Dr. Mendezs facility? What micro systems should she also analyze to look at how the patient moves throughfrom entry to possible admission to possible discharge? How do these systems relate? What impacts each system?
The concepts presented in Week 8 serve as a foundation for this week as you continue to look at factors within an organizations environment that are barriers and facilitators for implementing change. In this Discussion you examine the macro and micro systems within the organization (of your practicum setting) and identify changes that may need to take place to facilitate quality improvement and achievement of patient safety outcomes.
To prepare: Reflect on the issue you have been addressing through your EBP Project.
Identify the macro and micro systems that influence the issue. Review the McClusky and Middleton (2010) and Rogers et al. (2010) articles for an example of this process.
Determine the desired outcomes of resolving the EBP Project issue and how resolving it will improve quality and patient safety. (Note: Next week you will evaluate these outcomes. You may want to view the Week 10 Discussion as you prepare.)
What procedures/processes would need to be modified to achieve the desired outcomes?
Develop a 5-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for the business unit team and leadership within the organization sharing your issue strategies for resolving the issue and how it will improve quality and patient safety. Note: The purpose of the presentation is to persuade the business unit team and leadership to accept your recommendations.
Prepare a 5 slides PowerPoint presentation.



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