The written assessment tasks for this subject require you to submit a Case Study Report in which you explore the potential impact of chronic and complex conditions on the patient.

In addition to a brief introduction and conclusion, PART A of your report should include:

•A discussion of the pathophysiology and related clincial manifestations of EACH condition
•A discussion of the chronicity and complexity of the patient’s condition, including the identification of two (2) possible interactions between the patient’s co-morbidities and a discussion of how these conditions will impact the patient and her family. You will need to consider the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and the medications the patient is taking in this part of the report.
Your report must adhere to academic writing conventions. Sub-headings may be used, but dot points and tables should not be included in this part of the assessment item.

You should support your discussion with a MINIMUM 10 recent (less than 7 years old) and credible sources. Credible sources include, peer reviewed journal articles, text-books, evidence summaries, best practice guidelines, government documents, health facility clinical guildelines and policies/procedures and websites containing content aimed at health professionals. Please note that lecture slides will not be considered to be credible sources for this assessment task.

Case Study for Part A

Emily is eight years old and lives with her mother, step-father and seven month old brother. She has just been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease after experiencing frequent bouts of abdominal pain, diarrhoea and weight loss over the past six months. She also has a history of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus which was diagnosed when she was six years old. Emily is currently prescribed subcutaneous glargine and actrapid for her Diabetes and has just been commenced on corticosteriod and antibiotic therapy for her Crohn’s disease.

People with chronic conditions and disabilities often experience a range of concurrent physical and mental health issues that result in a complex scenario. This assessment task meets the following subject learning outcomes:

•Explain and describe common physiological, mental health and developmental chronic conditions.
•Plan nursing care for patients with complex co-morbidities, demonstrating rationale for how one affects the other.
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