This assignment addresses Learning Outcomes: 2 3 4 6 7 & 8 and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing: Baccalaureate Essentials III VII & IX.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide the RN-BSN student with experience in identifying evidence-based population interventions to improve health outcomes related to chronic or communicable disease in community settings to familiarize students with the Request for Proposal (RFP) process used to award grant funding to community based projects and to develop a persuasive argument that supports funding for prevention activities.
Step 1
Prepare to Write the Paper:
A. Read through the fictional Request for Proposal from the Foundation for the Advancement of RN-BSN Students into Community Health Practice. The foundation is also fictional.
Foundation for the Advancement of RN-BSN Students
into Community/Public Health Practice
(A Fictional Foundation)
(A fictional request for proposals)
Our History:
The Foundation for the Advancement of RN-BSN Students into Community/Public Health Practice was formed in 2009 by a group of community/public health nurses committed to becoming advocates and philanthropic supporters of nurses originally prepared at the associates level currently obtaining baccalaureate degrees in nursing who demonstrate a desire to enter into public/community health practice. Since 2009 our Foundation has been garnering resources and is offering the first round of funding for eligible applicants.
Our Mission:
To inspire and empower Arizona State University RN- BSN students to identify and apply evidenced-based population interventions to improve health outcomes related to chronic or communicable diseases or conditions in community settings.
Guiding Principles:
The Foundations collective voice is informed by the Core Professional Values of Community/Public Health Nursing; Community/Population as Client Prevention Partnership Healthy Environment and Diversity. Our collective voice promotes interventions that recognize the inherent strengths of vulnerable populations are evidence-based and provided to populations in community settings. We honor the RN-BSN students efforts and desire to increase the health and well-being of populations living in the United States and encourage the development of multiple differentiated approaches to preventing or mitigating the untoward outcomes of chronic or communicable diseases or conditions.
Guidelines for Grant Consideration:
Category A
The Foundation will dedicate $5000 during this calendar year to fund ONE proposal that emphasizes primary prevention of a chronic or communicable disease or condition in a population of interest. The intervention must be delivered in a community setting.
Category B
The Foundation will dedicate $3000 during this calendar year to fund ONE proposal that emphasizes secondary prevention in a population at risk of a chronic or communicable disease or condition. The intervention must be delivered in a community setting.
Category C
The Foundation will dedicate $2000 during this calendar year to fund ONE proposal that emphasizes tertiary prevention in a population with a chronic or communicable disease or condition. The intervention must be delivered in a community setting.
1. Must be submitted by students currently enrolled in NUR440 at Arizona State University College of Nursing and Health Innovation.
2. Must be written in APA format and are limited to 6 pages including the title page and reference list.
3. Must reflect the work of individual students.
4. Must address an objective from Healthy People 2020.
5. Must include a PICO (T) question.
6. Must be based on evidence. ***Levels of evidence are not required for this proposal.
7. Must build on the strengths of the selected population.
8. Must reflect the specific assignment criteria as presented in Week 4 of NUR440.
9. Must include name of key informant and agency.
10. Must be submitted in Week 7 of NUR440 by the published deadline.
11. Must use the linked template.
12. Proposals that include realistic plans for how to sustain the intervention once the funding is depleted receive priority consideration.
Please see the specific direct