With the growing immigration trend, what is the impact of the same on education attainment?
Research question: With the growing immigration trend, what is the impact of the same on education attainment?
Betts, R., Julian and Lofstrom, Magnus. The educational attainment of immigrants: Trends and implications. Issues in the Economics of Immigration, 2000: 55-116. Print.
Main point: The rising immigration rate in America has had an impact on the country’s labor force. This has resulted to a reduction of wages earned by Native Americans. In this respect, immigration has affected education attainment of the immigrants compared to that of the American natives. There is a belief that overcrowding of immigrants in education lowers the effectiveness of education among the natives. On the other hand, natives can resolve to acquire more education in respect to the increasing in-flow of less-skilled immigrants in the labor market.
Facts: A research was conducted on education attainment among natives and immigrants from 1970, 1980 and 1990 national census. It emerged that a trend of education attainment increased among the natives in 1970s and 1980s. However, this reduced during 1990s as the education attainment among the immigrants increased.
Methods: The research relies heavily on linear probability models to estimate education enrollment and graduation probabilities among natives and immigrants.
Comments: This research provides an insight on how immigration has affected education attainment for both the immigrants and natives. The research offers an insight into understanding the current trends of education among ethnic groups in America, as well as the current labor market.
Betts, R., Julian. Have inflows of immigrants diminished natives’ educational attainment? A review. Occasional Papers, 1999: 1-13. Print.
Main points: Immigrants can only affect the quality of education if they overcrowd the education system. However, if this were true, natives would have a higher chance to pursue education beyond high school and college levels. Therefore, the immigration inflow can either affect education among natives negatively or positively.
Facts: An increase of immigrants’ population by 0.005 percent lowered schooling years by 0.29%, 0.175, 0.1% and 0.06% for Asians, Hispanics, blacks and white respectively from 1970 and 1990.
Methods: The research reviews data from census and current population survey data.
Comments: The research is critical in assessing the impact of immigrants in the education sector. Moreover, the research gives an insight into the formulation of policies that will counter the reduction of education attainment among the American natives. Moreover, the research will be critical for education policy makers in establishing programs that prevent diminishing education quality in the United States.
Cruz, Vanessa. Educational attainment of first and second generation immigrant youth. Summer Academy for Public Policy Analysis and Research, 2009, 5:1-16. Print.
Main points: Immigrant youth in America is an example of the continued immigration rate in the last three decades. Most of the immigrant youth have at least one of their parents as an American-born immigrant. The second generation immigrant youth are an example of Americanization or assimilation of immigrant cultures into mainstream American culture. Apparently, this has been made possible through education of immigrant youth together with the native youth.