Briefly describe theories of classroom, learner management, and learner motivation.Describe the learning environment most appropriate for the identified educational topic and intended audience.

6105 U7A_D1
Based on the topic of cultural diversity: promoting a safe work environment, propose a learning environment that you believe would facilitate motivation for your chosen learner population (multicultural audience consisting of physicians, nurses, executive personnel, and other paraprofessionals) and assist in the management of the learning environment. Your paper should do the following:
Describe the learning environment most appropriate for the identified educational topic and intended audience.
Briefly describe theories of classroom, learner management, and learner motivation.
Evaluate theories of classroom and learner management and learner motivation for appropriateness of use with identified educational topic and intended audience.
Describe evidence-based strategies for classroom and learner management.
Describe evidence-based best practices to enhance learner motivation as related to diversity.
Be sure to use appropriate resources to support your choices.
Your paper should be 4–5 pages in length, not including the title page and reference page(s). Be sure to follow proper APA style and formatting. In addition to your unit readings, you should reference at least three articles from peer-reviewed journals that are not required for this course.
Discussion question
DeYoung (2015) suggests that simulation exercises are categorized by their degree of fidelity, or how accurately the simulation mimics the real world. A simulation that has a low fidelity might include one that teaches laboratory skills, such as administration of an enema on a model. An intermediate fidelity might include a mannequin with heart sounds. A high-fidelity simulation might include a computerized mannequin that provides virtual physiological reactions.
For this discussion, you will design an intermediate- or high-fidelity simulation of a simple procedure or short-case scenario of your choice that includes decision-making and critical thinking skills. Be sure to include the following elements in your discussion:
A simulation plan that includes the objectives, complexity, cues needed, and debriefing.
A description of what you believe is the educator’s role.
Evidence-based research from two resources not required for this course to support your choice of simulation.
Simulation should be based on the educational topic.
Scoring Guide
Each highlighted topic must be addressed

Describes the learning environment most appropriate for identified educational topic and intended audience; considers alternate learning environments and explains the logic behind the choice of learning environment. 15%
Describes theories of classroom and learner management; assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen theories. 15%
Describes theories of learner motivation; assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen theories. 15%
Evaluates theories of classroom and learner management and learner motivation for appropriateness of use with identified educational topic and intended audience; identifies area of uncertainty, knowledge gaps, and/or additional information that would provide additional clarity to the evaluation. 15%
Describes evidence-based strategies for classroom and learner management; impartially considers conflicting evidence and/or other perspectives. 15%
Describes evidence-based best practices to enhance learner motivation as related to diversity; impartially considers conflicting evidence and/or other perspectives. 15%
Supports the identified position with error-free written communication using pristine spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and APA style and formatting. 10%



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