Can be on anything to do with microbiology (you can chose the topic)Over the semester you will need to submit four typed abstracts. An abstract is a summary in your own words of
the major points of a periodical article.

Microbiology Abstract Assignment
Over the semester you will need to submit four typed abstracts. An abstract is a summary in your own words of
the major points of a periodical article. The aim is to be concise without omitting any key ideas. To begin,
condense the primary message of the author into a sentence or two. Support the condensed message with a
brief description of the supporting information. Please use the following format:
Author, title, periodical, etc. (written in CSE style, see below)
A summary of the main points
[The length of the abstract will vary due to the length of the article. I would use the rule of thumb of one of
paragraph of summary for every page of the article.] your name at the end
Please attach a copy of the entire article to your summary.
Articles you choose must be a minimum of 2 pages long (12pt font single space) and over a microbiology topic.
They must be less than 5 years old. In locating articles, please choose at least one article from a scientific or
professional journal and at least one from a a?populara? science magazine. Newspaper articles are acceptable if
they are the appropriate length. No articles from websites because they many tend to be encyclopedic and not
periodic in nature. Many periodicals can be accessed electronically and many organizations do post news items
that would fit the description of a periodical article. Below is a sample of library periodicals in each of those
categories. In general, journals have reference citations and magazines do not. The Library has access to a
large number of online periodicals or databases of articles (like Ebscohost). See me if you are unsure if the
article is acceptable.
Conservation National Wildlife Federation
AARC Times National Parks
RN Scientific American
Journal of Pediatric Nursing Discover
Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine Natural History
New England Journal Of Medicine Science News
Abstracts are due on or before the last day of the semester, prior to the final. If handed in prior to the last day of
class (with time to return it to you), you may resubmit the assignment for a higher grade. Each abstract is
required and worth 5 points. Writing skill is important, so abstracts may be graded-down if they are incoherent,
have many grammatical errors and/or do not reveal if you understood the article.
CSE reference style examples are below (adapted from cgi/content/full/307/5717/1886
Follow the format for an online article. Before the a?available froma? line, put the name of the database, the place of
publication, the publisher, and the date of publication or the copyright date. End with the phrase a?Available from:a? followed
by the URL for the database. Include an article or document number, if the database assigns one, after the URL.
Cantor RM, Kono N, Duvall JA, Alvarez-Retuerto A, Stone JL, Alarcon M, Nelson SF, Geschwind DH. Replication
of autism linkage: fine-mapping peak at 17q21. Am J Hum Genet [Internet]. 2005 [cited 2009 Jun 17];76(6):1050-
1056. Expanded Academic ASAP. Farmington Hills (MI): Thomson Gale; c2005. Available from:
. Document No.: A133015879



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