Discuss sermon structure in the novel – does Ahab preach? How? Does Queequeg preach (by parable) to Ishmael about respect for cultural differences?
Moby-Dick Essay Assignment
WIT English II, Sections 24 and 26, spring 2017

Due: Thursday, March 23, 2017 and Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Length: 1000-1200 words, which includes quotations. This works out to 4-5 pages, typed double-space, Times New Roman 12, 1 inch margins all around. The last numbered page of your paper is the Works Cited page, which will be page 5 or 6 depending on length of your text.
MLA Format: Typed double space, no extra space between paragraphs, 1” margins all around, Times New Roman 12. After date, indicate number of topic, for example: Moby-Dick 2
You must have a title for your essay. Your title should tell us something about your essay. Your title should not be bold, bigger, underlined, or in italics. You must center your title.
Content: Your own analysis, with integration of quotations from the novel and at least one quotation from an article of literary criticism. Synthesize. You must find this article through our databases, and/or we may possibly use something from our text. You must use one article – you can use two. All quotations in your essay must be cited parenthetically. You must have a Works Cited page. You must cite from the edition of the novel you are using and put that edition information on your Works Cited page.
Style: Coherent, developed introduction with splendid thesis – superior organization for the entire essay. Develop three-four examples. Discuss the novel in present tense. Refer to last name of author(s). Italicize the title of the book: Moby-Dick. If you refer to a chapter title, put it in quotation marks: “Loomings” Put the article title in quotation marks.
NO! “In this essay I will talk about . . .” or “in conclusion, etc.” Do not use first person.
Avoid beginning sentences vaguely, with “they, there are, it, it is”, etc. Refer to people by “who” or “whom” – not “that.” (the person who . . . ) Use strong verbs – not just forms of the verb to be. Do not qualify/weaken your insight and analysis with “pretty much”, “basically.” Do not say “the book is saying . . . “ or “the article is saying . . . “ – these things do not speak. Their authors and/or narrators do. Example: Ishmael comments on Ahab’s monomania. Or Carson Reilly notes that “skfjksjfkfjlksjflksjflksjf” (389). Avoid comma splices and split infinitives. Use active voice. Avoid fragments. After each punctuation, type one space, not two. Avoid “a lot.” Find a different way to say this.
Topics – Choose One.



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