The financial impact of HCAPS on Hospital.

I have to create a CONCEPT MAP WITH A BIBLIOGRAPHIC SYSYTEM , I need assistance. My topic is :
The financial impact of HCAHPS on hospitals.

Solution Preview

Please below and attached a narrative in note form on the concepts and propositions with their relationships and connections to the financial impact of HCAHPS.
The narrative describes the relationships while the attachment illustrates the concept map and has detailed references which suport the linkages for your further reading and development.

Concept Map solution with a bibliographic system: The financial impact of HCAPS on Hospital.


Concept Mapping

Concept mapping is a tool initially created to illustrate meaningful relationships between concepts in the form of propositions (Novak & Gowin, 1984
A concept map could contain two concepts connected by an action that provides a valid proposition or link between the two ( for example Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and patient experience are two concepts that may be connected by a connector as simple as “measure”—for example [HCAHPS]-measures→[patient experience]).


HCAHPS refers to Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Services (HCAHPS) surveys-which is a tool developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that gathers uniform measures of patient perspectives on various aspects various aspects of their inpatient care, using a standardized survey instrument and data collection methodology.(Abt Associates 2005).
The survey was developed or refined by the Agencies for Healthcare Research and Quality and endorsed by the National Quality Reform in the mid-2000s
HCAPS recognizes that patients make decisions on who to purchase healthcare services from based on knowledge of the performance of the service providers (including hospitals) and that knowledge of performance results and benchmarking against peers motivates hospitals to improve performance.
HCAPS covers the following seven domains of care
• nurse communication,
• responsiveness of staff,
• doctor communication,
• cleanliness and quiet of the physical environment,
• pain control,
• communication about medicines,
• discharge information.
• Asks respondents to rate the overall quality of the hospital’s care, and whether they would recommend the hospital to others

The HCAHPS survey asks discharged patients 27 questions about their recent hospital stay of which 18 are core questions that relate to critical aspects of the patients’ hospital experiences.
Based upon these scores, hospitals can either lose or gain up to 1.5% of their Medicare payments,

The following are …
Solution Summary



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