Reaction to Cody article : Nursing Theory as a Guide to Practice

Reaction to Cody article : Read the Cody article and write a two page reaction paper
 The purpose of this assignment is for the student to demonstrate an understanding of an assigned reading, react to the article, and provide a thoughtful account and analysis of your reaction.
 Read the article by Cody “Nursing Theory as a Guide to Practice ”
 The paper shall be written in narrative form using APA format, and shall be 2 pages of content, double-spaced. First person form is permitted. A title page and a reference page are to be included. The paper is to be submitted with the scoring rubric enclosed. Your name must be on the scoring rubric.
 Students are to identify 2 key points in the article, which they are to write regarding their reaction. The body of the paper must include an introduction (thesis statement) and a conclusion. No additional references are required, but if you do cite supporting articles, they must be scholarly and on the reference page.
 It is recommended that the student initially read the article asking themselves how do you feel about what it said, do you agree or disagree with the author, and have you had any applicable experience? (Making notes during the initial reading can be helpful) after the initial reading, organize your notes and decide on the key points you want to address.
 Write your introduction (thesis statement). Make sure that throughout the remainder of the paper, you check that you are not deviating from your thesis statement.
 Some statements that reflect reaction could be: I think that.., I see that.., I feel that.., It seems that.., In my opinion.., However.., Because…
 Reaction papers ask you to respond to a reading, video, or some other assignment. The purpose is to solicit your opinion and critical analysis of the reading, video, and etc.
 Read the Cody article and write a two-page reaction paper. Email to a peer for them to edit by Friday (one paper per student). After editing, they will submit this peer-reviewed paper to the instructor by midnight Sunday for final grading.
 First person form is permitted. A title page and a reference page are to be included. The paper, after editing, is to be submitted into the editor’s own Sakai assignment. Please submit with Rubric attached and have name on rubric.
 Students are to identify 2 to 3 key points in the article, which they are to write regarding their reaction. The body of the paper must include an introduction (thesis statement) and a conclusion. No additional references are required, but if you do cite supporting articles, they must be scholarly and on the reference page.
 It is recommended that the student initially read the article asking themselves how do you feel about what it said, do you agree or disagree with the author, and have you had any applicable experience? (Making notes during the initial reading can be helpful) after the initial reading, organize your notes and decide on the key points you want to address.
 Write your introduction (thesis statement). Make sure that throughout the remainder of the paper, you check that you are not deviating from your thesis



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