Write down at least 20 words or phrases that describe a quality environment that fosters children’s social/emotional growth.

For your Application Assignment in Week 2, you envisioned the optimal physical environment in a preschool setting. This week, you will add to that vision by including your thoughts about how an optimal environment can enhance children’s social/emotional development. Before you begin, think about what you have learned with regard to:

Social/emotional development during the preschool years. For instance, where preschool children are developmentally with regard to the identification process
The role of initiative in healthy social/emotional development
Prosocial behavior and the role of adults in fostering healthy relationships
Supporting the development of positive gender, racial, and individual identities
Guidance that supports self-control
Part 1: Visualize

Close your eyes. Visualize a preschool environment that truly encourages, supports, and guides children’s social/emotional development and learning. Again, let your mind travel around the room. What does it look like? What does it feel like? How does it sound? What are the adults in the room doing? What are the children doing? How are they interacting with each other, the materials, the space? What kind of learning experiences are they involved in? What opportunities do children have to learn about friendship, resolve conflicts, form and respect individual identities, and think critically about anti-bias issues? If a visitor walked in, how would he or she describe the culture, energy, and learning in this setting?

Part 2: Brainstorm

Write down at least 20 words or phrases that describe a quality environment that fosters children’s social/emotional growth.

Part 3: Revisit and Reflect

Review the description that you wrote of a quality physical environment for preschoolers. Consider how you would add to or amend your description to describe an environment that also encourages, guides, and supports children’s social/emotional development.

Part 4: Describe

Amend or add to your description of an optimal physical environment based on what you have learned about fostering children’s social/emotional development. Address each of the following areas:

Classroom arrangement and activity/interest areas
Classroom atmosphere
Learning experiences available
Materials accessible
Types of interactions supported
Note: Be sure to cite the Learning Resources to substantiate your thinking.

Assignment length: Approximately 3 pages

Learning Resources

This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of the assigned resources for this week. To view this week’s media resources, please use the streaming media player below.



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